
Library Staff: 

Hours: 7:05am - 3:15pm | Scroll down to view Google Calendars for availability| Reservation Tutorial Video

Catalog (click to access)



Library Card: Your school ID is your library card. You do not need your card to renew a book.

Copies & Printing: 

Collection Development: 

How do we decide which materials are part of our physical & digital library? We follow our collection development policy! Read the full policy here: po2522: Library Media Centers

All personnel and students are encouraged to make suggestions for purchase. The following criteria will be considered. Some criteria may not apply, and not all criteria need to be met in order to acquire materials. Policy 2522 states that materials should:

Selection is an ongoing process that should include removing materials that are no longer used or needed (weeding), adding materials, and replacing lost and worn materials that still have educational value. 


Follow the Mukwonago Way: Be Engaged, Respectful, Responsible and Safe. 

Be mindful of your surroundings. 

Use good manners both in our physical space and online.

Be kind.

Leave the space as (or better than) you found it.

Library Calendars

How to Reserve the Library (video tutorial)