Good afternoon and welcome to you all as new members of the Mascalls Academy community.  I felt an update may be appreciated by yourselves as parents and carers as to how our wonderful new cohort of Year 7 students have got on on their first day.  I know it can be the parents and carers who find it more daunting than the students, and can then be met with a very limited response of 'It was ok!' when they return home!  

Due to the rain at the start of the day all students congregated in the canteen.  There was a really positive atmosphere with staff meeting and greeting students and introducing students to one another.   Some helped themselves to the free porridge on offer each day and a few may have had a waffle!  Thankfully the rain stopped and all students then lined up on C Playground in their advisory groups and were met by their advisor and College pastoral teams.   The next stage of the morning was in their advisory classroom where they completed introductory activities, had a tour of the school site and collected any bus passes that have arrived over the summer.   Students were then escorted to their first lesson of the day by their advisor and learning commenced!  Having been in lots of lessons today the students have made us all very proud.  They have engaged with their teachers and the content of the lessons very well indeed and demonstrating many of the IB Middle Years Programme traits of being inquisitive which is fantastic to see on their first full day in the Academy. 

Break and lunchtime were unfortunately a bit wet and the canteen was once again filled with happy Year 7s all chatting amongst themselves and with staff, alongside plenty appreciation for the fish and chips and from Cucina!  Many ventured out at lunchtime once the rain had stopped and enjoyed playing on C playground, whilst some chose to stay and chat in the canteen.  It was a real pleasure to see the beginning of new friendships, ones that we hope will last beyond their time with us.  

There was a real sense of an increase in confidence in the students movement to lesson 5, and once again they impressed us hugely in their lessons.  Dr Pollack our Head of History  said 'We have been so impressed with the students prior knowledge of the Battle of Hastings and today they learnt about key historical concepts such as cause, consequence and chronology.   Many students recieved Golden Tickets for their contributions in lessons and we are looking forward to seeing all that this Year 7 group can achieve!'

At the end of the day there were plenty of smiles as they left with many asking to exchange phone numbers with their new found friends.  All in all a resounding success.  Well done Year 7, a cracking start to the next phase of your education.   Please do be aware that from Monday no parents/carers are able to park onsite to collect their children, there simply isn't the space.  Please make arrangements to meet students outside of the academy at a convenient and safe location and they can walk to meet you, or wait until the buses have left and collect after 3:20.  

We really are so proud of all of the Year 7 students today, it is a big achievement and we hope they have a restful weekend and are ready for the full week ahead! 

Thank you as always for your support

Mrs Brooks

PE Clubs 

The Mascalls Academy PE Department are excited to start module 1 and our extra curricular programme. On Monday 4th September, clubs will resume and we look forward to welcoming back our committed year 8-13 students and welcoming our new year 7 students. 

On Monday, all students years 7-13 are welcome to join Netball club. Year 7 teams will be formed and so if year 7 students are interested in representing the school, they must be present on Monday from 3-4pm and wear full PE kit. 

On Monday also, there will be Year 7 boys Football trials from 3-4pm. Boys must bring shinpads and full PE kit to trial. 

All students will learn more about the extensive extra curricular programme in advisory over the next few days. If you have any questions about the PE extra curricular programme, please email:

Mr Charman (Deputy Head of PE)

Free School Meals 2023 - 24

HOW TO APPLY:  Application forms are available on the KCC website by clicking here.