Mascalls Academy Update 

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we approach the end of this module, it is a perfect opportunity to reflect on all that has been achieved in January by our students.  One of the highlights of each day for me is when students stop to show me a Golden Ticket they have received.  I always ask 'who else are you looking forward to showing it to?', the answer is usually parents, grandparents or their brothers and sisters.  These acts of celebration are significant moments which enable our students to develop and feel pride in their personal achievements.  The discussion and opportunity for our young people to reflect upon what they have achieved is integral to them understanding how to go on and achieve further.  We have awarded over 500 Golden Tickets in January and over 15000 positive progress points to students.  Please continue to use the My Child At School app so you can view the logs your child is receiving from their teachers and can therefore instigate discussions and reflections about what they have achieved each day. 

During January we have awarded Key Stage 3 Subject Area awards and Key Stage 4 Colours awards.  28 students in each Key Stage 3 year group have been awarded their Bronze, Silver or Gold badges and are proudly wearing them on their blazers.  30 Year 10 students have been awarded their Half Colours tie or blazer badge in their awards assembly and Year 11 Full Colour awards will be taking place very soon.  'Belonging' has been the theme so far this year and continually celebrating the successes of our students is a way in which we can foster and develop this sense of belonging and pride in what our students achieve each and every day in and outside of the Academy.

We continue to have over 30 extra curricular activities taking place over the 2 week timetableMiss Butler will be circulating the slightly amended timetable after the half term break to ensure that students can sign up on SOCs to the clubs of their choice.  Please look at the timetable with your child/children and identify which clubs they wish to sign up to.  It is a great way to develop new friendships, work with different members of our staff body, develop skills and knowledge outside of the classroom and develop that sense of belonging to our school community.

Last Friday we held our Year 11 and 13 Mock Exams results assemblies.  We are very proud of all the hard work that students have put into the mock series of examinations.  Since they have recieved their results they have been proactive in using their QLAs alongside their teachers, and independently to identify and work on their areas of focus in the lead up to the final examination series.  Congratulations Year 11, we are right behind you! 

It has been a busy half term, and as always, we are thankful for your continued support.  

Mrs Brooks 

BBC Bitesize Careers Tour

Mascalls Academy have been lucky to secure a visit from the BBC Careers Tour today (Wednesday 8th February).  The hour long sessions were hosted by Alex Mansuroglu from Kiss FM and BBC Radio 1.  Students from Year 7 to Year 10 have heard from people working in the creative industry about their career paths and how their education helped them get to where they are today.   Each year group had around 15 students who volunteered to ask a question to the panel using the Rugby Ball shaped microphone, questions such as 'What skills do you use the most in your job?' and the one each year group asked 'How much do you get paid?'.  Thank you to all students who represented us so well today, the panelists were hugely complimentary about our students. 

Dodgeball Competition

Mr Cornwell took 10 students from years 7 and 8 to Medway Park to compete in a Dodgeball Competition alongside 10 other schools last Tuesday.  Winning a respectable 5 matches out of 9, Mascalls were awarded the Best Teamwork Award and recieved medals, a water bottle each and some new Dodgeballs for the Academy.  Congratulations to all who attended!  

Sixth Form Vs Teachers Football Match

A brave set of Mascalls Academy teaching and support staff played against Year 12 and 13 students last Friday after school.  The final score was very much in favour of the Sixth form students and we received reports of some very tired legs on the staff team on Saturday morning!  The sun shone and it was great to see a mixture of staff and students on the sidelines cheering on both teams.  

Parent/carer questionnaire 

Thank you to all who have already completed our parent and carer questionnaire that was sent out last week.  Feedback from parents is really important so we are able to recognise the excellent efforts of our staff and to improve dialogue with parents regarding areas we can continue to develop.  Please click this link to access the questionnaire.   Students have also been completing the questionnaire in advisory times throughout the last week.  

Careers Update 

Volunteers for Career Talks

At Mascalls Academy we are always keen to make students aware of the range of employment options available.  As a community with approximately 2800 parents and carers, we have a wealth of experience and knowledge that we are keen to access in order to further the development of our Careers programme. If you would be willing to give some of your time to either attend a Business Breakfast or to speak to students about your career/job, please complete this short form and we will be in touch when the programme is running.

Apprenticeships - Information for Parents

Apprenticeships are increasingly becoming a pathway to employment.  The National Apprenticeship Service have produced an information sheet for parents to help them understand this type of pathway.  To read this click here

Dates for the diary:

Rising Star Show - Wednesday 8th February @18:30 - Concert of Pop and Rock, featuring performances from Year 7 - 13

INSET Day - Friday 10th February