Mascalls Academy Update 

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope this update finds you and your families well.  Today is the day that all Year 6 students receive their letter from KCC informing them which Secondary School they will be attending.  We are very pleased that we have received more applications than ever before for the academic year 24/25.  We are looking forward to welcoming our new students into the academy prior to the summer as part of their transition from Primary education to Secondary.  This year, the transition process will be including more of our school community to ensure that we can use our students as ambassadors to those joining in September.  

We held our first Coffee morning and afternoon last week, many thanks to those of you who had booked and attended, it was a great opportunity for parents and carers (and grandparents!) to come in and visit and see the academy during the school day and meet with myself and some of the Senior leadership team.  Conversations regarding the timings of parents evenings and the regularity and depth of academic feedback were discussed.  As a result, we are in the process of redesigning the reports that parents receive ready for next academic year to ensure that a greater depth of information is available to parents and more frequently.  Information regarding this redesign will be with you in the Summer term. 

Another very useful piece of feedback was regarding Mascalls Academy not having a Parent Teacher Association.  This is something I would like to establish to engage more parents in the academy community and also to support in fundraising and running of events when they take place.  If you would like to become part of, and support in establishing a Mascalls Academy PTA, then please email by the 8th March.  A meeting will then be arranged for the first week after the Easter break for all volunteers to meet with myself and start to make plans! 

As you are aware, we hold high standards of expectations for all students within the academy and these expectations extend outwards from the academy also.  This is why you will see myself and my team regularly along the High St popping into the shops and at the station after school to ensure our students are representing themselves and the academy positively within our local community.  Unfortunately over the past few weeks, there has been a small number of complaints regarding the behaviour of our students on both public and private transport while students are travelling to and from school.  As many Mascalls students travel by bus or train, we need to be aware that these services are available to a wide number of  students and to the public and we will not tolerate anyone impacting the travel of other students during this time.  

Below are the students responsibilities as set out by KCC for students accessing public transport, which has been taken from the KCC Home to School Transport Guide:

Please click the link here for the full letter regarding ours and KCCs expectations regarding behaviour to and from school.  We ask that you support us in this this by speaking with your child as continual incidents of poor behaviour could result in a transport ban being implemented.  

As always I am very thankful for your support in maintaining the high expectations we have for your children.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Many thanks 

Mrs Brooks 

MYP Ambassadors

This module has seen our first group of Year 8 students undertake the role of an MYP Ambassador for the day.  In their role students have been supporting the wider academy in specific department areas, welcoming visitors and having a deeper understanding of what goes into the day to day running of a school with 1500 people in it each day!  Most importantly, students have been given the opportunity to reflect upon their MYP journey so far and to use their Progress Portfolio to understand which of the Learner Profiles they have developed and where there are areas of improvement still.  

Miss Dunne - Assistant Principal - Deputy Head of Luther King College 

Ski Trip 2024

On Friday 9th February 50 students and 6 members of staff met at school to embark on their journey to the slopes of Sestriere in Italy. With a long journey ahead students were unsure what the week would hold and what exciting adventures lay ahead. There is no doubt that the days skiing on the mountain were the pinnacle of our trip whether it was in during a white out on our first day or kissed by the sun during the blue bird skys that blessed us towards the end of the week. What the students could not have foreseen was how much they would develop socially and mentally during the week as they all met their personal challenges on and off the slopes. There were tears at times but they were all superseded by laughter. This laughter was prevalent during evening activities when students competed in a quiz, competed in laser tag and visited a mountain restaurant on snowmobiles, but it was on the slopes where most lifelong memories were formed.  

Mr Toall - Assistant Principal 

Year 11 Geography Trip 

The Year 11 GCSE Geographers have been tasked with carrying out an investigation into the success of the regeneration of the old London Docklands!  Students visited the Isle of Dogs, Canary Wharf to experience first hand the rapid developments in this part of East London. Accessing the Isle of Dogs via the Greenwich foot tunnel, the year 11’s collected a variety of data in places such as Millwall Park, Millwall Outer Docks, Glengall Bridge and the South Dock. Students walked to the centre of Canary Wharf and documented the changes in the environment throughout. They also got the chance to stop for a little light shopping in Canada Square shopping centre!  The Year 11s completed their journey by witnessing the gentrification of West India Quay and visiting the London Docklands Museum. It is here that they learnt further about the rich history and extraordinary developments this area has been through.  The Year 11s will now use the data they collected to complete their investigations, all of which will help them complete their final exams in their summer. 

Miss Stubbs - Head of Geography 

Dates to remember:

Module 4

Thursday 7th March: Drama Show 4.30, 5.30 and 6.30pm

Wednesday 13th March: Rising Star Concert (Seniors) 6 - 8.30pm

Wednesday 20th March: Rising Star Concert (Juniors) 6 - 8.30pm

Thursday 21st March: Year 11 Parents’ Evening 4 - 7pm

Tuesday 26th March: Year 13 Parents’ Evening 4 - 7pm

Thursday 28th March: Last day of Module 4

Module 5

Monday 15th April: Students return on a Week 2 timetable

Tuesday 23rd April: Performing Arts Spring Showcase 6 -7.30pm

Thursday 25th April: Year 7 Parents’ Evening 4-7pm

Thursday 16th May: Year 10 Parents’ Evening 4-7pm

Friday 24th May: Last day of Module 5

Module 6

Monday 3rd June: Students return on a Week 2 timetable

Tuesday 18th, Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th June: New Parents’ Evenings - 6-7pm

Wednesday 19th June: Year 11 Prom 7-11.30pm

Thursday 11th July: Musical Performance Evening 6.30-8pm

Friday 12th July: Musical Performance Evening 7-8.30pm

Friday 19th July: Last day of the academic year - Students finish at 12.30pm