Mascalls Academy Update 

Dear Parents / Carers,

I hope this update finds you and your families well.  Following on from some parental feedback, I wanted to clarify the methods of communication that will be used to ensure that all parents have access to information that is sent regarding your child / children.  As a parent of school aged children myself, I am aware of the number of letters that can be received by parents, especially with children in different year groups or schools.  We have attempted to streamline our communication more recently by utilising the My Child At School App that we hoped all parents have downloaded, but am now aware there have been some challenges in terms of notifications of letters being recieved via the app.  Therefore, from this point onwards, all letters will be sent via email to ensure all parents receive  communication, these will also be sent to the My Child At School App where you can also view your child's progress and updates all in one place.    My bi-weekly updates such as this will be emailed, sent to the App, placed on our Facebook site and uploaded onto the website. 

Since my last update 2 weeks ago we have seen an increase in the proportion of positive logs for students, over 8000 have been awarded.  9 times that of negative logs given in the same period.  We aim to build and develop the character of each of our students alongside supporting them to achieve academically.  For us all here at Mascalls, the two go hand in hand.  We achieve this in a variety of ways; our delivery of the MYP principles through our curriculum; building resilience through lessons and driving academic progress; positive rewards; student voice; the Healthy Minds programme; our Personal Development programme.  The list goes on.  

I thought it would be useful for parents and carers to see and understand clearly what our expectations are in the classroom and where rewards can be earned by students (see image below). The posters which are displayed in each classroom show clearly to students and teachers which behaviours we see in lessons as 'Above the line' where rewards will be given, and those which fall 'Below the line'.  This level of clarity for students and staff supports us in creating a disruption free environment for our students to thrive in, which in turn enables them to be brave and bold in their aspirations within each lesson and for their future beyond Mascalls Academy.

This week has also seen our appointment of our 'Mascalls Voice' group. We had over 60 applications for the positions and I was so proud to read the explanations of why each student applied for the role.  We have appointed 3 students from each year group and have each College represented also.  These students will be in post until the end of the academic year 2023-24 and will attend meetings every 6 weeks to voice any questions / concerns they may have.  Mascalls Voice will also be used to run new initiatives through with students to gather their input and suggestions.  The first one will be regarding the trips and extra-curricular opportunities that Mascalls students should have access to throughout their time with us. 

Finally from me, we will be having a non-uniform day on Friday 31st March.  Students have requested that we raise money for the cause in the Ukraine and to show support to our Mascalls students who have joined us from the Ukraine in the past year.  The cost will be £2 per student and will be payed via ScoPay.  

Thank you, as always for your support.

Many thanks 

Mrs Brooks

The Amelia Scott Museum - Tunbridge Wells

On Monday 13th March, students participating in the High-Performance Academy and History Club took part in a very special trip to the Amelia Scott Library and Museum in Tunbridge Wells. 

This was a behind-the-scenes visit that was designed to explore the role and function of museums and archives, as well as some of the challenges they face today. Students took part in a carousel of three activities: one explored what archives are and what kind of documents are stored at the Amelia Scott; another explored how physical items and objects are cared for, and why some objects are difficult to display; finally, students took part in a very popular and creative scavenger hunt. 

Throughout the day, students engaged brilliantly with the curators, asking lots of fantastic questions. We found out that the museum dates back to 1885; that it's named after a famous activist (who was a suffragist and not a suffragette!); and that only 1% of its collection is on display. Students got a chance to handle some of the objects (including Iguanodon bones!) and explored the ethical issues that museums face in a post-colonial world. We discussed the legacy of the British Empire and the issue of repatriating objects to their countries of origin. Finally, students also saw evidence of the history of Mascalls in the archives (including Barsley's adverts from the 1950s). All of this resulted in a highly competitive quiz with prizes for the winners!

The Amelia Scott is well worth visiting - it regularly showcases different aspects of its collection based on current events, and offers an amazing space to work in, as many of our Sixth Formers will attest. Oh, and the cafe was extremely popular with our students too. Do go and visit if you get a chance!

Dr Pollack 

Year 7 Drama 

Year 7 have been working extremely hard learning about Greek Theatre in Drama. After creating a performance, they are now adding to this; designing and making Greek masks to accompany their performances. The Drama department are so pleased with their efforts and are so proud of their enthusiasm in the creative process! 

Miss Groves 

Year 7 and 8 Rugby

This week the Year 7/8 Rugby team won 45-0 against Trinity.  It was Mascalls first Rugby win in 5 years and the first match of the season for the squad.  We are really excited to grow the Rugby provision within the Academy and beyond and what a fantastic start! 

Tries were scored by the following players, Will x2, Dexter x2, Jake x2, Jake x2 Jasper. The player of the match was Will. 

Mr Charman and Mr Hourau

Dates for the diary:

ISSP (Independent State Schools Partnership) Talk @ The Judd School - Tuesday 21st March - 6pm

Performing Arts Spring Showcase - Wednesday 22nd March - 6pm - 9pm

Year 11 Parents Evening - Thursday 23rd March - 4pm - 7pm

Year 13 Parents Information Evening - Tuesday 28th March - 5pm - 6pm