MAS11 Info Bulletin 4.1

The links to the left will take you to our dedicated site for Yr11 students & parents where you will find key pieces of information to help keep you up to date, tools to help with revision and support to get you through the final year of GCSEs.

The expectation of GCSE examinations, the anxiety over results and the pressure of making important choices about future aspirations are all conducive to potentially stressful times, but the end of the year is also a time when students can feel immense pride and satisfaction in their well-deserved academic achievements. As students strive for academic excellence, students will show their character through hard work and dedication which all students will need for them to reach their full potential in their GCSE examinations.

MAS11 Key Purpose: To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.

Dear Parents/Carers,

Last week Yr11 Mascalls students received their mock results. The aim of the day was to allow students the experience of a 'mock results day'. Students received their official mock grades/scores in an envelop just like they will on 25th August. The idea of this mock results day is to prepare the students for the apprehension that is associated with waiting to find out their results in August. It is also an opportunity to help the students take stock of their current academic achievement, the remaining schools days until the exams start and the reality of achieving the best possible grades they can. here was a mixture of emotions from the students but was clear to see and hear from them was a real determination and willingness to do better which was humbling to see.

The assembly that supported the event covered the following key points;

  • The results show you where you are now, not what your final grades will be in August

  • Would these grades be good enough for you to move onto your desired Post16 education, college, apprenticeship?

  • What support is available for every student every day, every week

  • The importance of attendance and punctuality to school as there are only 46 school days until the first exam

  • The need for change in their mindset

  • The things that will have the biggest positive impact on their grades require no talent and are free, for example, be prepared for lessons by having your equipment, charge your chromebook every night, be positive, work harder today than you did the day before.

I would like to remind you of the support and guidance that is in place for your child by the academy. The teachers of Mascalls Academy produce outstanding lessons every day for the students and create an environment where students can learn and develop. That is why I am asking that you ensure your child attends school every day and is on time whenever possible. As mentioned previously there is only 46 teaching days until the first exam so every day counts. By now you would have heard from subject teachers if & when your child has been selected to attend specific Period 6 lessons. If students have not ben asked to attend specifically they are still welcome to attend the lessons but will be required to let the teacher know in advance so they can prepare resources accordingly. I thank you in advance for ensuring that they attend these lessons so that they can extend their learning with our teachers.

Staff will also be showing and explaining to students what specific topics need to be improved based on the mock data and information gathered throughout the academic year. May I also remind you that the Department for Education has now made the unprecedented move and have confirmed what changes students should expect in their exam papers per subject. Detailed information can be found here . We also have the MAS11 website where you and your child will find a wealth of information, help and guidance that covers exam techniques, exam information, subject specific revision guidance to name just a few. Links for these key areas can be found on this bulletin for your reference.

Finally I would like to inform you of two important dates for your diary. In accordance with the guidance from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) all GCSe students are required to be available to sit exams until Wednesday 29th June. The awarding bodies will designate this day as a ‘contingency day’ for examinations, summer 2022. The second date is Wednesday 6th July. We have been fortunate enough to secure the Hop Farm, Paddock Wood as a venue for the Yr11 Leavers Prom. This event is an invite only event for the Yr11 students and invites will be distributed based on behaviour, attitude to learning & attendance/punctuality through out the academic year. Further information of tis event will be released shortly.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Luther King College

Through our connections with Aspire Yr11 students will have access to he forthcoming careers webinars. This series of webinars will give students an insight to a range of careers and helpful preparation for university. Students can register for a session independently and all are running between 5pm and 6pm on the dates shown below.

  • 7 Mar - Tech & Engineering Careers

  • 8 Mar - Accountancy & Professional Services Careers

  • 9 Mar - Banking & Finance Careers

  • 10 Mar - Government & Public Sector Careers

  • 11 Mar - Law Careers

  • 21 Apr - Applying to Oxford or Cambridge

  • 28 Apr - How to Get Work Experience Over Summer

  • 14 Jun - Choosing the Right University for You

  • 21 Jun - Alternatives to University

  • 5 Jul - How to Write a Great Personal Statement

  • 12 Jul - How to Write a Great CV

  • 8 Nov - Preparing for University Interviews

Key Dates

  • Last day of Sem 3: 01/04/22

  • Sem 4 starts: 19/04/22 (Week 1)

  • GCSEs begin: 16/5/2022

  • Leavers Prom: 06/07/22

Students have been invited to attend an online presentation given by Chris Daw, Queen's Counsel (Barrister), Lincoln House Chambers. This would be useful for students who want to find out what a lawyer does and the different types of lawyer you could become.

If students are interested in finding out more about this career - from what the day-to-day experience is like to how you apply and what grades you might need, complete the online form on the Post 16 Careers Pathways on Goggle Classroom. Places are limited to 25 students. I

It will take place on Wednesday the 9th of March between 10am and 10.45am,