Mascalls 10

Welcome to MAS10. This is a dedicated site for Yr10 students & parents where you will find key pieces of information to help keep you up to date, tools to help with revision and wellbeing support to get you through the final two years of GCSEs.

Year 10 is the marking of the start of the GCSE syllabus, Year 10 is a time for students to take their studies seriously, seek support and advice where it is needed and develop the skill of learning 

It’s right to say that Year 10 marks not just the start of the GCSE syllabus, when the students knowledge of their chosen subjects will be tested and their choice of A-levels (and university subject) determined. Whilst knowledge is important, the skills that children learn in their early years create the ground work to successful learning.

The skills that Mascalls students learn include time management, study skills and revision techniques. Whilst much of this starts in the younger years, Year 10 is where these skills are consolidated. Our students develop these skills through a number of different channels such as lesson time with their teachers, daily Advisory time with their Advisors, and from their parents & carers. As a result of this students are able to demonstrate academic excellence,  and students will show their character through hard work and dedication which all students will need for them to reach their full potential in their GCSE examinations.

What’s expected of students in Year 10

Students must prepare for the following when transitioning into Year 10:

At Mascalls Academy we have created a culture where all classwork, homework and controlled assessments are of vital importance and should be taken as seriously as the examinations themselves. We will support every student as best as we can and aim to equip them with the necessary skills to achieve every success in their future path, whichever direction that may take.

I am extremely excited at the thought of seeing all students feeling proud of their results in August 2023 and hope that we can work together to achieve this goal. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your son/daughter's Advisor or subject teacher in the first instance who will be more than happy to help. 

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Earhart College