MAS11 Info Bulletin 2.3

Bromcom Student App

The Bromcom Student app is designed to increase the engagement between Students and Schools by sharing key information about their day to day school information, homework, timetables and exam information. Additionally if students have any changes to exams or exam clashes this is where it will be published. Students have been guided on how to register for this during Advisory sessions and a 'how to guide' can be found on the Yr11 Google Classroom called 'Post16 Pathways 2022'.

MAS11 Key Purpose: "Make sure the outside of you is a good reflection of the inside of you."

Dear Parents/Carers,

This will be the last MAS11 information bulletin of 2021 as we quickly come to the start of the Christmas break. I wanted to express how proud I am of every student and how they have approached and conducted themselves towards their mock exams thus far. Students have arrived promptly to their exams and have demonstrated a real 'can do' attitude which is fantastic to see. I would like to thank you for all your support throughout this very busy term; as always, it is greatly appreciated. I am also happy to say that over a quarter of the Yr11 cohort have now achieved enough progress points to receive either their first or second level of prizes. Well done to those students.

On our return in January, Yr 11 mocks will continue. It is paramount that students therefore use the Christmas break to not only reflect on what they have achieved but also prepare themselves for the challenges ahead. Using the time they have to ensure they have everything ready for their learning ahead and adjusting their revision timetables would be a good use of their time. Thank you to all parents and carers for your support through this first round of mock exams. At the end of January students will experience a mock results day and we look forward to celebrating their success and progress at that time.

On our return in January, Period 6 sessions, silent study every Thursday after school in R16 and the online MyTutor Programme will continue to help support students through the academic year. I ask therefore that as parents/carers that you make sure that your child attends these sessions each week and we will continue to reward students for their hard work.

Finally, I would like to wish you all a very happy family time at Christmas and look forward to the students returning in the new year. Merry Christmas to your all.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Luther King College

Thank you to those students who have taken part in the first round of online tuition through MyTutor. MyTutor is the UK’s leading online tutoring platform where you can book tailored one-to-one lessons with top tutors. The interactive online lesson space means students can enjoy tuition from the comfort of home, and makes it easy to fit lessons around school time.

We want students to learn at a pace that suits them, which is why the tutors are on hand to give personalised support and help raise confidence as well as grades. Mytutor record all lessons on their interactive lesson space for your safety - and they make great revision tools!

If your child has been selected to participate in the first round of sessions please note that the January tuition will begin week beginning 10th January 2022.

Key Dates

  • Semester 3: Tuesday 4th January

  • January Mocks: Start 13th January 2022

  • Semester 3: begins on a Week 1

  • GCSEs begin: 16/5/2022