MAS11 Info Bulletin 1.4

Revision Timetable:

A good revision timetable allows you to revisit everything you need to in preparation for exams. Additionally it will allow you break the topics down into manageable chunks.

A revision timetable will also help you to make sure that you cover all of the important topics coming up in your exams, creating one will let you decide which subjects you need to spend the most time revising. Above all else, a timetable will mean that you can spend enough time revising and enough time relaxing! Many students get overly stressed because they don’t take a rest. It’s important to be able to chill out away from your books, and following a timetable can help you do that.

MAS11 Key Purpose: The bad news is time flies. The good news is you are the pilot

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we come to the end of Semester 1 it allows us to reflect and plan for the forthcoming period of learning in school. I would therefore like to remind you and the students about the importance of attendance & punctuality. Days off school accumulate quickly, and missing lessons makes it difficult to catch up, requiring students to work harder when they return and causing them to lose critical information that would obstruct their progress. A total of 175 non-school days are available each year for vacations, cultural adventures, and family time and I ask that you use these for such occasions. Additionally arriving late to school and into classes is extremely disruptive for the teacher and other students. It also means that late pupils miss out on critical information from their teachers and I therefore ask that you reinforce this message with your child in order to help keep standards as high as possible.

Last week we also experienced the 6th Form open evening. It was a fantastic opportunity for students and parents to meet staff to discuss the vast array of subjects we have to offer here at Mascalls Academy. Additionally over the last few weeks Yr11 students have had assemblies from staff & external speakers to give guidance around their choices after this academic year. At the start of Semester 2 students will receive their logins for Kent Choices & Unifrog which will allow them to research & apply for what is on offer locally and give them an insight into future careers. Please do spend time with your child accessing these sites and discuss what is on offer. Please be reminded that all Post16 applications must be made between 7th November - 22nd January 2022.

Finally I would like to wish you all a restful but productive half term and hope that our MAS11 students use this time to prepare for the forthcoming mocks in December & January and prove to themselves how great they can be.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Luther King College

Revision Tips for Parents/Carers

Tips when making a revision timetable:

  • Make a list of the subjects that you need to revise for between now and your exams.

  • Work out which subjects have the most content that needs to be revised.

  • Try not to spend the whole day revising one subject.

  • Most experts suggest studying in slots of 40 minutes and then taking a break before your next session.

  • Do not leave your most difficult or hardest subjects till the end of the day. Instead try to get these out of the way early on.

  • After completing a revision period cross it off from your timetable. This will help to instil a sense of accomplishment.

Key Dates

  • Semester 2 08/11/21-Week 1 KO

  • Test 2-W/b 29/11/21

  • Mock Exams W/b 9/12/21

  • GCSEs begin 16/5/22