MAS11 Info Bulletin 1.3

Exams in 2022

Last week the Department for Education and Ofqual published plans for next year’s exams, with adaptations in place to ensure fairness, & to recognise the impact of the pandemic on students’ learning. The department and Ofqual will also be proposing contingency measures, and Ofqual is setting out plans for its grading approach. Following a public consultation, the government and Ofqual have confirmed changes such as a choice of topics in some GCSE exams

Further details can be found here.

MAS11 Key Purpose: Work harder than you think you did yesterday

Dear Parents/Carers,

Last week we celebrated success with over 40 students from our Yr11 cohort achieving the new Mascalls Academy Colours. The award winners were selected by their subject teachers based on effort, achievement, attendance, and their attitude to learning in that subject. These student will be easily identifiable by their Academy Colours tie or badge and are a real role model to our younger students. A huge congratulations to every student that received an award and I look forward to the next round of winners later in the year. You would have also received information last week regarding the initial changes to the 2022 GCSE exams. Next year, this Yr11 cohort of students will sit exams, but the DfE has recognised they have faced disruption over the last two years and they have taken measures to

make sure that students are not disadvantaged. Further details can be found here.

From Thursday 14th, October every Thursday your child will be able to study in silence in R16 and complete homework and revision. These sessions are an additional item of support for our students & will be supervised by a myself. Students who attend at least three silent study sessions between then and the Christmas break will be entered into a prize draw. We look forward to seeing

your child there next week!!

Lastly I wanted to remind you that we have our Post-16 Open Evening on Thursday 14th October. For many students and parents/carers picking post-16 options can be a daunting experience. At the evening you will see first hand what we have to offer and have the opportunity to speak to students that are currently studying that subject and speak to the teachers from that learning area. This occasion is a real must go to event that will help mould your child’s future.

I look forward to seeing you all attend.

Yours sincerely,Mr StamatoAssistant Principal & Deputy Head of Luther King College

Revision Tips for Parents/Carers

  • Ensure your child eats breakfast

We've all been told that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. But despite everyone knowing this, research has shown that over 60% of teenage boys and 70% of teenage girls regularly skip breakfast. Parents need to encourage their child to eat breakfast as one particular study found that children who skipped breakfast or only had an energy drink performed worse in attention and memory tasks, when compared to those who had eaten breakfast. For more information on the psychological benefits of breakfast, click here.

Key Dates

  • 6th Form Open Evening: 14/10/2021

  • KO Test 2: W/b 29/11/2021

  • Mock Exams: W/b 9/12/2021

  • GCSEs begin: 16/5/2022