MAS11 Info Bulletin 1.1

All students would have by now been asked to join a Google Classroom for every subject. This allows students to work independently & where many resources are placed to help your child with their learning.

Additionally, as a parent/carer can I ask that you check your emails as you would have received an invite that will allow you to receive weekly notifications of what work is being set for each subject.

Additionally SENECA is a free learning platform based on learning algorithms proven to make students remember topics better. Login for free at

MAS11 Key Purpose: Make every day count

Dear Parents/Carers,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Luther King College. One of my main roles will be to raise academic achievement in Yr11, I am very excited to be given the opportunity to work with such a key year group, about whom I have heard great things. I look forward to getting to know the year group over the coming weeks and to helping your son or daughter to achieve even greater things as they begin their final year studying for GCSE exams.

All Yr11 students have started the academic year in a very positive fashion which is exactly the approach I would expect from our students. You will receive an MAS11 update regularly, which will provide you with all the key information you will need as a parent so you can best support your child at home with their studies. Please do take note of the key dates below and we will update and remind your child of these regularly. Our first key checkpoint this year will be the Knowledge Organiser Tests KO1. This will be the first round of examinations to gauge the GCSE grades your son or daughter is working towards. After this your child has ?? school days before their first set of PPE; therefore it is vital that your child aims for 100% attendance and makes every lesson count during this half term. The students who ultimately achieve their potential each Summer are the students who work consistently throughout the year. Please encourage your child to get into good habits now as they will reap the rewards from this when they receive their GCSE results.

All staff and myself are very excited about working with this year group and we look forward to working closely with all of our MAS11 parents throughout the year. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything we can do to support your child.

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Luther King College

Revision Tips for Parents/Carers

Your role in helping your child succeed will vary according to their needs and strengths. Your role may include some or all of the following:

  • Attendance Officer – making sure your child goes to lessons and understands the importance of making the most of lesson-time.

  • Provider of the tools for homework and revision – a quiet space, a workbox of pens, paper and other necessities.

  • Study buddy – showing an interest in the subject, helping with homework (but not doing it) testing them when they ask you.

  • Sounding board and adviser – helping your child to break tasks down so that they are manageable and celebrating achievements, seeing a positive way forward when things go badly.

Key Dates

  • KO Test – W/b 27/09/21

  • Parents’ Evening – 30/09/21

  • GCSEs begin – 16/05/22