MAS11 Info Bulletin 5.1

MAS11 Key Purpose: Preparing for exams is like running a marathon. It takes a lot of courage and tenacity to keep going till the end.

Dear Parents/Carers,

I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate our MAS11 students on a fantastic start to the new term. Our students have shown focus in lessons, and excellent conduct around the school. By doing tis there is a notable attitude towards learning in every lesson. Please encourage your child to keep this up as they continue to build towards their GCSE exams. This was further reinforced when we celebrated as a cohort the awarding of Academy Colours. These are awarded to students for continuous effort inside and outside of the classroom. So a huge well done to the 60 students who received this accolade in addition to those who achieved this award at the start of the academic year..

I hope by now that you have accessed the My Child At School (MCAS) app/website so that you can monitor your child progress, behaviour, attendance and punctuality to lessons. This is also where parents will be able to access their child's exam timetable, but please be aware that any last minutes changes to times or dates will only be reflected via the student Bromcom App. Additionally our Period 6 revision classes continue during Semester 5 until the official subject exam has taken place and attendance to these classes can be monitored through SOCS. If you require a login for SOCS please follow the instruction on the SOCS website. MCAS password enquiries should be emailed to Mrs Davies on who would be happy to help. Your login for SOCS will be vitally important as we approach the start of the exams as this will show you and your child when and where their subject revision 'master class' will take place prior to the exam. This is an initiative that has proven to be very successful over the years. Students will experience a thorough and extensive revision class prior to the exam for that subject. For example an afternoon exam will result in a morning master class on the same day and a morning exam will result in an afternoon masterclass the day before the exam. This is a great opportunity for students to ask any last minute questions they may have as well as correcting any misconceptions. To help our students gain success in the forthcoming exams I have listed 5 key principles below. Abiding by these will certainly help them raise their achievement.

1. Arrive to every lesson on time

2. 100% focus in lessons

3. Attend after school intervention sessions regularly

4. Complete all revision and independent study (Seneca Learning)

5. Stick to your revision timetable

Lastly I would like to thank those who have already paid for the Yr11 Leavers Prom which will take place at the Hob Farm on Tuesday 6th July. The deadline for the final payment via Scopay is Monday 6th June. If you do have any issues with payment please do not hesitate to contact me via email. I look forward to writing you all again soon and thank you for supporting your child through their revision as we approach the 2022 GCSE public exams.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Luther King Colleges

Key Dates

  • Last day of Semester 5: 27/05/22

  • Semester 6 starts: 06/06/22 (Week 1)

  • GCSEs begin: 16/5/2022

  • Leavers Prom: 06/07/22

  • GCSE Results Day: 25/08/22

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