MAS11 Info Bulletin 3.2

Bromcom Student App

The Bromcom Student app is designed to increase the engagement between Students and Schools by sharing key information about their day to day school information, homework, timetables and exam information. Additionally if students have any changes to exams or exam clashes this is where it will be published. Students have been guided on how to register for this during Advisory sessions and a 'how to guide' can be found on the Yr11 Google Classroom called 'Post16 Pathways 2022'. Please contact your advisor if you are unable to login.

MAS11 Key Purpose: You don't get what you wish for, you get what you work for.

Dear Parents/Carers,

We have now successfully completed all mock GCSE exams. The student's behaviour and attitude towards these mocks has been exemplary. I hope that this positive approach to their studies continues. These mock results are a good indication of what the students know now and will highlight areas to improve in the run up to the real exams. Students are currently receiving detailed specific feedback from these exams from their teachers and I ask as parents/carers that you engage with your child to discuss these areas of improvement and guide them through the good habits of revision that I have written to you in previous MAS11 bulletins. (link to all MAS11 Bulletins) May I also remind you that we continue to run Period 6 lessons for all subjects, which can be found by clicking here. If you are contacted by a member of staff notifying you that your child has been selected to attend a Period 6 please do make every effort to support this by ensuring your child attends. Previous evidence shows that students who have attended Period 6 lessons have all shown signs of improvement since they started to attend. To help you monitor and support your child with this during Semester 4, in addition to the communication from staff that your child has been selected to attend Period 6 lessons you will also have access to an online register for these sessions called SOCS. SOCS is used by many leading schools in the UK and across the world to manage and communicate sports and co-curricular activities. This programme will allow you to see what activities are on offer per day, if your child is on the list to attend the session and if they have attended. Details of how to access this will follow shortly.

Another vital tool for parents to use to help support their child is the My Child At School app. My Child at School (MCAS) is an app that enables you to view your child's school attendance to lessons and behaviour information in real-time. The portal also provides general useful information about school such as the academic calendar and announcements. If you have lost your login details or need a reminder can you please fill in the form linked here before Friday 18th February. Details will be emailed out to those who have requested them within the first week of Semester 4.

I also have great pleasure of informing you of a unique opportunity that MAS11 students will be able to take advantage of this week. On Saturday 5th February the NHS are providing a virtual NHS experience day online. The experience runs from 10am-5pm following two patients from their initial accident through to recovery. Students will see them interact with a variety of healthcare professionals so that they develop an understanding of the multidisciplinary team as well as insights into their own chosen career. Details of the experience can be found on the MAS 11 Google Classroom called 'Post16 Pathways 2022.

Lastly I wanted to bring to your attention an important date. On Thursday 24th February students will experience a 'mock results day' in the morning. Students will receive their official mock grades/scores in an envelop just like they will on 25th August. The idea of this mock results day is to prepare the students for the apprehension that is associated with waiting to find out their results in August. It is also an opportunity to help the students take stock of their current position both in relation to the exam dates and the reality of achieving their target grades. We hope that in giving students the opportunity to receive their results in this way will spur them on to obtain even better results in the summer. On the evening of the 24th it is also Yr11 parents evening. This will again be conducted virtually and appointments for every subject will be released nearer the time. I strongly recommend that your child is also present with you online as the information shared is for their benefit also.

As always I thank you for your help and support as we strive for success with every student.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Luther King College

Revision Tips for Parents/Carers

Offer incentives:

Although the promise of access to further and higher education or a good job is enough to keep some students motivated throughout their GCSEs, others require additional incentives. One option is to discuss with your child what sorts of rewards would motivate them to set more ambitious targets and to revise more diligently. You could then promise certain rewards if they achieve certain grades. When coming to arrangements of this sort take care to ensure, though, that you set fairly challenging but realistic targets.

Supply refreshments:

The sheer volume of work that GCSE students are expected to complete in the run-up to their exams makes it essential that you provide your child with opportunities not only to study and revise but also to relax. In addition to helping your child to generate the vision and motivation required for exam success, try to identify ways that you can help them to stay fresh and relaxed.

Positive home environment:

The inevitable pressures on the limited shared resources available in your home make it essential that you find ways of ensuring that the legitimate demands of other family members are balanced against the particular needs of your child in the run-up to their GCSEs. It is especially important that GCSE students are provided with ample space and time to revise.

  • At the very least, GCSE students deserve a quiet private space (e.g. a desk in the bedroom) where they can study and revise undisturbed by external influences

  • We are all creatures of habit and tend to be enabled and constrained not only by our own daily routine but also by the daily routines of those closely connected to us such as parents, siblings and friends. Have a think about ways that family members’ habits limit the extent to which your child can prepare for his exams. For example, bringing forward mealtimes may release more time for them to study or beginning the car journey to school earlier may provide them with chances to browse over their revision notes before the school-day starts.

Key Dates

  • Start of Semester 4: 21st Feb 2022 (Week 1)

  • Mock results day: 24th Feb 2022

  • Yr11 Parents evening: 24th Feb 2022

  • First GCSE exam: 16th May 2022

The first GCSE exam starts in ........