MAS11 Info Bulletin 2.1

Next week students will be provided with training and their personal log ins for Unifrog. Unifrog is an online programme where students can make the best choices regarding their Post 16 education. Here students will find courses and Apprenticeships they may be interested in. It takes away some of the stress of finding a Post 16 course suited to the student. Further details will follow next week.

MAS11 Key Purpose: Attendance & punctuality is the first step to success

Dear Parents/Carers,

It was fantastic to see our Yr11 cohort return from the half term break refreshed and still in positive spirits towards their education. This week Yr11 students received an assembly from myself focussing on the importance of attendance and punctuality and the impact this will have on their progress if their attendance to school and lessons begins to deteriorate.

Additionally I highlighted the time remaining until their mock exams-20 schools days which will provide them and staff with data that will help us work together to ensure each student is able to identify areas of improvement as we relentlessly prepare for the GCSE exams whilst ensuring students build their character, resilience and determination to be the best that they can be.

Students were also reminded of all the support that is available to them at this time for example the MAS11 website which can be found here that includes useful information regarding exams, revision, help for parents, Period 6 lessons which can be found here, Post16 education and careers via the Google Classroom and the need to log into Kent Choices to confirm their Post 1 education

This was all then followed up with Advisory activities to reinforce these areas and to consolidate their understanding.

I look forward to another outstanding Semester with our Yr11 students

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Luther King College

Yr11 students would have started to submit their applications for Post16 education via the Kent Choices website. As a parent please do support your child with this process as we continue to do so during Advisory. Kent Choices now also offer free careers advice. If your child is interested please do encourage them to contact the team via email on or call 01322629515. Further details can be found n the Yr11 Google Classroom.

Key Dates

  • KO Test 2- w/b 29/11/21

  • Mock Exams- w/b 09/12/21

  • Inset Day-26/11/21-SCHOOL CLOSED

  • GCSEs begin: 16/5/2022