MAS11 Info Bulletin 4.2

Equipment checklist for lessons & exams

  • Fully charged chromebook

  • Clear pencil case

  • Black biros

  • HB pencils

  • Pencil sharpener

  • Ruler

  • Rubber/Eraser

  • Compass

  • Protractor

  • Highlighters

MAS11 Key Purpose: "Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow."

Dear Parents/Carers,

Last week the Yr11 cohort experienced yet another positive week of education. I am pleased to say that over 66% of the cohort have earnt enough positive points to receive the first level of reward and 25% of the cohort have successfully reached our highest possible level. Rewards points are accumulated ty demonstrating commitment and achievement towards work , attendance and punctuality to name just a few. Yr11 also had the opportunity to experience a presentation from the National Citizen Service (NCS). Our guest speakers explained that the NCS is a voluntary personal and social development programme for 15–17 year olds in England and Northern Ireland, funded largely by money from the UK Government. The programme takes place in the spring, summer or autumn coinciding with school holidays. Groups of teenagers undertake a residential visit, usually to an activity centre for an outdoor education-style course in the countryside involving physical and team building activities. After this, participants undertake a residential phase, gaining a taste of independent living and learning a variety of skills for their future. In the final stage of the programme students plan and deliver a "social action" project in the local community, often to raise awareness of or fundraise for a particular cause. Those completing the course receive a certificate at a graduation ceremony. The certificate is signed by the Prime Minister in office at the time of graduation. Our students are fortunate enough to benefit of the reduced price of £50 reduced from £1,200, although there are bursaries for those from low-income households. Students who are interested in the programme have been asked to complete the initial interest paperwork after which the NCs will be contacting students and parents to discuss the programme furter.

I wrote to you previously-Bulletin 3.2 to introduce the new SOCS programme. By now you would have received instructions on how to access this online facility. SOCS is used by many leading schools in the UK and across the world to manage and communicate co-curricular activities and sports fixtures. This programme will allow you to see what activities are on offer per day, if your child is on the list to attend the session and if they have attended. If you require any help accessing this programme please do contact Mrs Butler via email on who will be happy to help.

Last week you would have also received correspondence regarding the forthcoming Information Evening which will take place on Monday 21st March 6-7pm. This will be an opportunity to hear about the current changes to exams and how best you can help your child in the run up to the exams. Additionally I wrote to you all via the MAS11 bulletin to explain how the Yr11 Leavers Prom letters will be distributed. This year they will be sent via email to the parents/carers of the students that have worked hard throughout the year, demonstrated good attendance and punctuality to lessons and show a positive attitude to their work as demonstrated by their reward points scores. There is time for students to improve and therefore receive an invite for the remainder o this Semester.

Lastly I would like to update you that all GCSE Easter revision sessions will be conducted online and a final timetable will be shared with you and students shortly. Please do make every effort to support your child so that they can attend these lessons online and from the comfort of their own home. It is vital that all opportunities offered to students are taken advantage of.

Thank you as always for supporting everything we do here at Mascalls Academy to help your child exceed in their education.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Luther King College

Grading of examination work in 2022

Ofqual have determined that 2022 will be a ‘transition year’ for grading. Therefore they will aim for grades in 2022 to reflect a midway point between 2019 and 2021. This means that results overall next year will be higher than in 2019 but not as high as in 2020. Exam boards will use data as a starting point to align their standards in a subject, with grade boundaries for each specification being set once senior examiners have reviewed the work produced by students.

The adjustments to examination content, assessment and grading, along with the changes to non exam assessment and fieldwork announced in June 2021, are designed to mitigate the impact of the disruption that students have faced during the pandemic, without undermining the value of their qualifications and their ability to progress successfully to further study.

Further information on exam assessment, fairness and clarity can be found here as written by Jo Saxton-Chief Regulator.

Key Dates

  • KO Test 4: W/b 14/03/2022

  • Information Evening: 21/03/22

  • Last day of Sem 3: 01/04/22

  • Sem 4 starts: 19/04/22 (Week 1)

  • GCSEs begin: 16/5/2022

  • Leavers Prom: 06/07/22

  • GCSE Results Day: 25/08/22