Bromcom Student Portal App & Website

The Bromcom Student Portal app and website is designed to increase the engagement between Students and Schools by sharing key information about their day to day school information, homework, timetables and exam information. 

Additionally if students have any changes to exams or exam clashes this is where it will be published. Students have been guided on how to register for this during Advisory sessions.


My Child At School-MCAS

MyChildAtSchool is an online portal that enables parents to view their child’s performance at school in real time via any modern web browser (e.g. Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc.) and for today’s busy parents, an app (for android or ios)  which offers the same features.

Anytime access to Attendance, Behaviour, Assessment and student reports, letters or important documents. Student timetables alongside the school calendar and fully customisable Exam Timetables and results pages mean schools can keep parents fully informed electronically.

Communication through Push Notification (for the App), Announcements and important documents as well as enabling parent messaging to the school are all included features. 

MAS10 Key Purpose: "All students are created equal. Some work harder in the preseason!"

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you for attending the Yr10 Information evening at the start of the academic year.  I hope that you went away with a clearer understanding of what your child will be experiencing and why, and the importance of creating good habits  will lead to outstanding results.   A copy of the presentation can be found here as well as on the MAS10 website  which can be accessed by clicking here. We spoke about how  the forthcoming academic year  will be the preseason training that is needed to ensure students arrive in September 2024 ready for their final year of GCSE study.

Since we last met I am pleased to announce that all MAS10 students have been working through their Study Skill programme in Advisory to help the students learn and understand how to revise and expand their long term memory. Topics they have covered in Module 1 include;

Topics that  will be covered during Module 2 include;

Performance Portfolio

The Performance Portfolio document has now been shared and explained with all MAS10 students. The reason for this useful document is for students to;

I have attached a link here to the presentation that was discussed with the cohort for you to familiarise yourself with. Please do ask your child to 'share' (button in the top right of the document) the document with you so you can also monitor and support your child's learning. 


I hope you have been receiving the Tassomai parental reports that allow you to track your child's progress in both English and Science revision through Tassomai. If you have not received the link via email please do contact Tassomai directly via email on who will be happy to assist you. Tassomai is the scientific way to learn. Tassomai is an award-winning adaptive learning program helping students at all levels to achieve outstanding results. Using Tassomai builds subject knowledge, boosts confidence and reduces exam stress.

✔ Trusted by teachers in 500+ schools

✔ Proven impact on GCSE grades (and guaranteed results!)

✔ Over 1 billion quiz questions answered

A reminder that 'little and often' is the key to help with revision and long term learning. This is reinforced with the daily tasks set at 4 out of 7 days. The MAS10 progress since September is as follows;

Tassomai English:

Questions Attempted=20,141

Questions Correct=13,241


Tassomai Science:

Questions Attempted=23,510

Questions Correct=13,233


I hope that you find the MAS10 website useful and I will inform you of any updates made to it during the remainder of the year. The website serves as a tool to keep you and your child up to date with information and to act as a one stop shop for help and advice during the academic year. There you will find a subject information guide for parents that gives you a breakdown of each subject, what needs to be revised and selected resources for that subject. 

I wish you the best of luck forming good habits using the Cue, Craving, Response , Reward technique  that we discussed at the Information Evening and I wish every student good fortune as they enter Module 2.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Earhart College

Tips for Parents/Carers to support your child through their exams.

Each day you can support your child to make choices which can impact how they perform during the exam period. The link below will take you to a tool kit to help you to help your child control different aspects of their life to help them perform better when it comes to exam time.

It will allow them to focus, set themselves a plan and work towards being prepared in the best possible way.

Key Dates

Parent/Carer Checklist