Washington DC Field Trip 

Eighth Grade Class Trip

Thank you SO much to the Maryvale MS PTO for graciously donating this year's 8th grade DC t-shirts to all of the students!  We appreciate you!!!

T-shirts will be in next week.  Pick-Up times TBD. (4/8)

If you plan to bring any medicine, including over-the-counter medication, on the field trip, the yellow medical sheets were due to Mrs. Cassidy by Thursday, March 28th.

*Roommate selections have been taken into consideration, and the room assignments will be given out at the end of April.  Please note that not all requests were able to be met, but we did the best we could we the amount of requests that we had.*

Trip meeting dates are as follows: March 5th and May 7th at 7pm in the MS Cafeteria.  Attendance for kids and a parent/guardian is MANDATORY.