What dates are we open?
Watch our new commercials made by our students!
We are open to any 6th -12th gr student or their family on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month 2:15pm-4:00pm. *emergency hours available via email
Located in Rm 48 of Maryvale High School (across from the main office, next to the nurse)
1050 Maryvale Drive Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Director: Kelli Cookfair cookfair@maryvaleufsd.org
High School Emergency Shopping Contact: Cheri Pula pula@maryvaleufsd.org Middle School Emergency Shopping Contact: Nicole Floss floss@maryvaleufsd.org
Please complete this secure and private registration if you might want to drop in to shop for free at Flyers' Fresh Market at any point in the future. We are not income dependent and will not take away from any other services provided.
Here are some pictures of our community in action. We've been working hard are ready to open!
Here are pictures of what we currently have in stock for your shopping pleasure:
This is just the start. Visit our site again and again. We'll be adding recipes, resources, and volunteer opportunities.