Young Carers
At Martham Academy we are very proud to be a Young Carers Tick Friendly school and are very proud we recognise our Young Carers and their families. We meet regularly as a group to give support and recognition.
About Young Carers
A Young Carer is a young person who cares, on a regular basis for a parent, sibling, grandparent or family friend who has an illness or disability. This could be a mental or physical disability, substance misuse as well as those that may be terminally ill. Young Carers will take on responsibilities that would not normally be expected of their peers. They may be the main carer in the household.
Tasks may include personal care, domestic activities such as cleaning, laundry, preparing meals, shopping alongside financial management and emotional support. They often have to collect medication and administer these. They may also be required to attend medical appointments.
Young Carers may suffer from tiredness and emotional issues resulting in them being late into school, not completing homework. This may present in poor behaviour, Young Carers may also be bullied because they cannot do activities with their peers, who often are not aware of their situation.
Martham Academy and Nursery will support all Young Carers with sensitivity and respect. Confidentiality and privacy will be given at all times.
Young Carers Agreement
The attached document give a view of what we would like to see from our Young Carers and what our Young Carers can expect from Martham Academy and Nursery
Carer Friendly Tick Award Education
Our Young carers meet regularly with Mrs Beales and Ms Gillespie Last term we invited parents into school to join our group which was a huge success. This term we are looking forward to Mince Pies and Coffee meet in December.