Safeguarding at Martham Academy
& Nursery
Committed to creating a safeguarding culture
At Martham Academy & Nursery we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our children, keeping them safe and protecting them from harm. Safeguarding is quite simply everyone’s responsibility and the most important part of our job.
Safeguarding at Martham is based on trusting relationships with our children and giving them the confidence to speak to us if they have concerns knowing that we will listen. As such all of our staff receive annual Child Protection and Safeguarding Training as well as regular updates in terms of signs of safety and indicators of abuse. Equally we want to support our families by offering early interventions, advice and support whilst always having the individual child at the centre of what we do.
With our Commitment
We aim to:
Keep our school site secure and ensure that all visitors are recorded and monitored.
Follow safer recruitment practices to prevent those who pose a risk to children gaining access to our children.
Equip our children to understand the importance of e-Safety both at school and at home.
Filtering and monitor all internet traffic into the School to ensure that children cannot be exposed to harmful material and communication.
Ensuring that all staff employed by the School have received Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance which is recorded in the Single Central Record.
Ensure that admission and attendance procedures are robust to protect children.
Ensure all staff who work in our school have regular child protection training and updates enabling them to understand the various aspects of safeguarding.
Ensure all staff know who the trained DSL’s are.
Keep parents and carers updated with the latest information about safeguarding and how to keep their children safe online
We want our children to:
Understand risks both within the school but also beyond our gates and be able to develop the skills that will allow them to cope with these challenges for both themselves and others.
Be confident in disclosing any concerns about themselves or their peers.
Have access to help and advice that they know how to access.
Know who their safe adults are and can speak to them in school
Understand the risks of being online and how to communicate any concerns
Our trained DSLs will:
Be available to offer help and advice to children, staff and families.
Share information with other agencies and services to ensure that children and their families have support to meet their needs and prevent children from harm.
Take immediate action, contacting the appropriate agencies when we believe that a child is in danger or is at risk of harm
Share and reinforce safety messages with all children in school via assemblies , workshops and displays eg NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe campaign
Ensure safety is taught throughout the whole school curriculum through Learning for Life / RSHE lessons
Safety in the Curriculum 2023-24