Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment


Ofsted have reported on the extent of sexual violence and harassment in schools. The findings were shocking and this coupled with media coverage of the “Me Too” movement and the “Everyone’s Invited” campaign have really raised the profile and problems that our young people face.

At East Ruston we are ensuring that all of our staff are aware of the dangers faced by our children and know what to do to support them. 

We want all of our children to feel that they can talk to us to report any concerns and that we will always take them seriously giving appropriate support and advice. 

We know that as parents and carers the job of bringing up your children is becoming increasingly difficult and as such we have included a number of recommended links which we hope you will find useful in keeping your children safe.

Alternatively a self referral can be made by the victim and DSL’s can signpost to The Harbour Centre - via the  24/7 support line, 01603 276381, for advice and guidance. If the individual is under 18 years of age the police will also be informed via the safeguarding MASH team. In addition where a disclosure is made DSL’s would make a CADS call

Please do feel that you as parents can contact us at any point and we will do our best to offer support and advice.