School District of Marshfield Library Media Center-Library Catalogs

Open the Library Catalog.   Select your school. To access your account, select "Log In." Select the BLUE School District of Marshfield bar to connect your school credentials.   Select the "My Info" tab to monitor your due dates and any library fees or fines.   Destiny Log In Directions,   Destiny Discover App Directions for ebooks & audiobooks

Elementary Digital Libraries

Elementary: BookFlix Digital Library

Use the SDOM User Information for the username and password for your school.  SDOM USER INFO Link

Library Media Center Mission & Vision

Library Media Center Mission

Our school libraries are committed to building healthy relationships, providing accessible and personal learning experiences. Empowering students to become independent learners by offering diverse literature and innovative resources within a safe and welcoming environment is our mission.

Library Media Center Vision

The vision for our students is to attain the knowledge and skills needed to become accomplished readers, independent learners, critical thinkers, creative problem solvers, and informed citizens through the resources and services provided by our school library programs and staff.

What a fun bulletin board for this time of year!

Library Media Center Fun

Library Media Center STAFF

Mrs. Jean Stelchek 

Library Media Specialist

Office Bldg: Madison Elem.

Phone: 715.384.8181 x5526


About Me:  I earned my Library Media Specialist Certification through the University of Wisconsin School System Library Education Consortium, my Master of Arts in Educational Technology from Marian University, and my Bachelor of Music from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. 

I enjoy spending time with my family, which includes my husband, my daughter and son-in law and granddaughter, my son, and our two dogs. Outside of school, I enjoy reading and relaxing, boating, cooking, music, movies, and sitting in the sun. You may also find me during the summer sitting on the front deck with a cup of coffee or tea early in the morning enjoying the birds and sunrise.  I also enjoy traveling when I can, especially somewhere warm, especially during winter or spring break.

High School/Middle School LMC Assistants:

Marshfield High School -Mrs. Zdun

Marshfield Middle School- Mrs. Krause-Rice

Elementary School LMC Assistants:

Grant-Mrs. Rabehl

Lincoln-Mrs. Fredrick

Madison-Ms. Jepsen

Nasonville-Ms. Anderson

Washington-Mrs. Kurth

District Library Plan

School District of Marshfield-Long Range Library Plan Board Approved 4.14.22.pdf

Website Last Updated 1.29.25