Dr. Or Bialik


Email: obialik@campus.haifa.ac.il


Dr. Or Bialik is a geoscientist, whose research focus is the marine carbonate system. Or graduated a combined M.Sc. and Ph.D. program in 2013 in Geology and Environmental Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.

Following graduate training, between 2013 to 2020, Or accomplished postdoctoral research associate positions in The Weizmann Institute, Princeton University, the University of Haifa and Hamburg University in which he established his expertise and skills in the fields of carbonate sedimentology, geochemistry and paleoceanography.

Since 2016, Or is an associate researcher in the Applied Marine Exploration Lab.

Currently Or is a Marie Skłodowska Curie Research Fellow at Department of Geosciences, University of Malta.

Or is interested in carbonate rocks, their sedimentology, geochemistry and reconstructing past environment using them.

Research projects (past and current)

  • RhodoMalta - spatial pattern and evolution of temperate carbonate factories in the central Mediterranean (in collaboration with University of Hamburg and GEOMAR) 🏝️

  • MASCARA –Spatial patterns and evolution of the Saya De Mala bankin the Western Indian Ocean.

  • MioEast – German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF) project to understand the timing and effect of the disconnection of the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.

  • International Ocean discovery Project expedition 359 –reconstruction of the depositional of the Maldives archipelago and its relation to the Miocene global oceanic reorganization

  • MgSCALE – Joint Israel Science Foundation-China National Science Foundation research project to evaluate paleoceanographic Mg isotopic signals at both basin and global scales.

  • Spatial and temporal δ26Mg patterns in dolomites – observational and experimental studies, and developing applications of magnesium isotopes for diagenetic evolution of carbonates

  • Characterization of limestone-dolostone transitions- using mineralogy trace metals and stable isotopes

Figure 2 - KM view.pdf

The Kerem Maharal atoll and it's relationship to theunderlying volcanic cone (Bialik et al., 2020, Sedimentary Geology)

Thin sections of microfacies and dolomite occurrence in the Havyon Formation, Israel (Bialik et al.,2018, GCA).


The locations studied in the Indian Ocean along with the relationships between winds and currents (Bialik et al., 2020, P&P).