Mrs. Smith's Website

Grade 6 Special Education Teacher

ELA, Math, Math Lab, Resource Room

I've been teaching for 17 years and this is my 10th year at the Middle School. I teach sixth grade Math and ELA Inclusion, Special Class Math, Math Lab and Resource Room. I enjoy spending time with my husband, three children and golden retriever, Bailey. My family and I enjoy vacationing at the beach. One our favorite spots is Florida because we love Disney, the ocean, and spending time with family. Our family also enjoys hiking, having backyard fires, playing badminton and board games. I've grown to love running in the last few years and I am one of the coaches for the Girls on the Run Club here at MMS. I believe that every child deserves a positive and enriching school experience!

The truth is that teamwork is at the heart of great achievement. - John C. Maxwell

Please use link below to go to my Google Classroom Page. Assignments and Communications will be posted there.