Mrs. Allutto's Social Studies Class

Welcome to Mrs. Allutto's Social Studies Class! 

This year we will be journeying through ancient and medieval times to further discover the history of our world. In particular, we will be studying Western Civilization from the rise of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution.  Together, we can make learning fun and meaningful.  I know that each of you have the potential to excel in social studies, and I am here to help you do that!   

This website will be helpful and easy to use.  It will allow you to find homework assignments and upcoming tests/projects, as well as any other events that will be taking place.  Each tab contains a different unit of study that we learn this year.  I have also included the link to our online textbook below.  If you need help or have any questions, you may e-mail me at any time.   


Mrs. Allutto

If you have any questions or concerns please email me at

 In order to access our textbook, History Alive! The Medieval World & Beyond, go to our Google Classroom page and click on the 9 dots in the upper right hand corner.  Once there, scroll down and you will see a link to TCI.  There should be no log in.  It should automatically sign you in.