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Challenge: Re-design of Markham Reception

Open to Middle School and Upper School

Challenge brief: The reception room is the gateway into our school. It is the first impression visitors get and should communicate the school's culture and style. We have students, parents, staff and third parties entering the school through the reception area. Visitors asked to wait in reception present an opportunity to have a positive first impression? You design should consider:

How do we want the people to feel when they enter the school?

If they are waiting, should this be an opportunity to present them with information about the school? How can we do this? (monitors, magazines, plaques, etc.)

How many people are there normally in this area at any given time?

Final Outcomes: A3 design drawing with annotations and colour

Deadline: Friday 7th September, 2.45pm

Submission Details: Please pass your submission to a DT teacher in class or place in the competition box outside room 70 under the Baker hall. Ensure you write your full name and tutor group.

Design Clinic for support on this competition: Monday 27th August, 12.35-1.25pm, Room 71


Challenge: Journeys photo series

Open to Middle School

Challenge brief: Everyone is on a journey. Academically, socially, spiritually and when travelling. Explore the idea of journey in a direction of your choice. Create a short series of photos (3-5 photos) that evidences this. Give each photo a simple title and provide a short description to introduce your photo series.

Final outcomes: 3-5 photos (high quality, taken on a camera with minimum 5-8MP camera or smart phone)

Deadline: Friday 7th September, 2.45pm

Submission details: Please pass your submission to a DT teacher in class or place in the competition box outside room 70 under the Baker hall. Ensure you write your full name and tutor group.

Awards available: composition, creativity

Design Clinic for support on this competition: Tuesday 28th August, 12.35-1.25pm, Room 60 (English classroom)


Challenge: Sustainability photo series

Open to Upper School

Challenge brief: Sustainability is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. It has become an increasingly hot topic. Sustainability takes many forms and affects nation’s on an environmental, social and economic scale. Create a short series of photos (3-5 photos) that will raise awareness of the issues we face today and how we can deal with them. Your photo series can take two directions, the first is to show the impacts of a less-sustainable lifestyle, the other is to promote how we as individuals can be more sustainable. Consider: People, Planet, Profit. Give each photo a simple title and provide a short description to introduce your photo series.

Final outcomes: 3-5 photos (high quality, taken on a camera with minimum 5-8MP camera or smart phone)

Deadline: Friday 7th September, 2.45pm

Submission details: Please pass your submission to a DT teacher in class or place in the competition box outside room 70 under the Baker hall. Ensure you write your full name and tutor group.

Awards available: composition, creativity

Design Clinic for support on this competition: Tuesday 28th August, 12.35-1.25pm, Room 60 (English classroom)


Open to Middle School

Challenge brief: A book cover has a special significance to the reader, not only does it draw the reader to the book but it provides an insight to the story hidden inside and aids our imagination when picturing the characters and landscapes. In this brief you have been tasked with re-designing the covers of 3 books. The books should be part of a series in Spanish by the same author. Some examples are given below for inspiration; you may use one of them or select your own.

  • Isabelle Allende (La ciudad de las bestias)
  • Antonio Malpica (El Libro de los héores)
  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón (El príncipe de la niebla)

Final outcomes: 3 drawings of the book covers on an A3 page. Drawings can be digital or hand drawn. Each book cover must contain the author’s name and the book title. Please add your name and tutor group to your page.

Deadline: Friday 7th September, 2.45pm

Submission Details: Please pass your submission to a DT teacher in class or place in the competition box outside room 70 under the Baker hall. Ensure you write your full name and tutor group.

Awards available: imagination, illustration

Judged by: Alvaro Foliu

Design Clinic for support on this competition: Tuesday 28th August, 12.35-1.25pm, Room 71


Open to Middle School students

Challenge brief: Jewellery will never go out of fashion, however the shortage of materials has put pressure on fashion designers to rethink the materials and manufacturing methods that they use. Design a set of jewellery pieces (necklace or bracelet, with matching earrings ) that can be made from recycled materials and made in a sustainable way.

Final outcome options:

Option 1: Manufacture your design and attach to a piece of A4 or 3 cardboard. Add information to explain the materials used and how it was constructed.

Option 2: Complete a neatly drawn design on A4 paper. Add information to explain the materials that would be used and how it would be constructed.

Please add your name and tutor group to your page.

Deadline: Friday 7th September, 2.45pm

Submission details: Please pass your submission to a DT teacher in class or place in the competition box outside room 70 under the Baker hall. Ensure you write your full name and tutor group.

Awards available: creativity, quality of design, ergonomics

Judged by: Beatrice Ciabatii, Ilaria PERU

Design Clinic for support on this competition: Tuesday 28th August, 12.35-1.25pm, Room 71


Open to Upper School

Challenge brief: Reducing the use of non-renewable resources is increasing in today’s society. For a snack food of your choice you need to redesign the packaging to use less materials, use recyclable materials, or a more environmentally friendly manufacturing process.

You should also redesign the snack to be healthier! Consider the ingredients and methods used to prepare it. How can a snack have a smaller impact on the environment and a better impact on people ’s health?

Final outcome options: Upper schools students

Option 1: Packaging model and final snack photos with annotations to explain the new recipe and ingredients. All information and photos to be presented on 1 x A3 page with annotations.

Option 2: Design drawings (3D and net development) and annotations to explain your packaging and snack designs. All information and photos to be presented on 1 x A3 page with annotations.

For both options clearly explain how your packaging has a reduced environmental impact, and your snack has a smaller environmental impact and is also healthier.

Please add your name and tutor group to your page.

Deadline: Friday 7th September, 2.45pm

Submission details: Please pass your submission to a DT teacher in class or place in the competition box outside room 70 under the Baker hall. Ensure you write your full name and tutor group.

Awards available: creativity in packaging, creativity in snack, most sustainable

Judged by: Hervé Galidie, SOMA, Jugo Gourmet

Design Clinic for support on this competition: Monday 27th August, 12.35-1.25pm, Room 70


Open to Middle and Upper School

Challenge brief: Peru, the home of the Inkas and so much more! National Geographic would like you to design a map to promote travel to Peru. What to see, where to go, what to eat, what to experience! A creative visual, which will increase travel to and around Peru, helping to make Peru the must-see travel destination of 2019!

Final outcomes: Maximum size A3. The map can take many forms…digital design, art, collage, hand drawn, 3D.

Deadline: Friday 7th September, 2.45pm

Submission details: Please pass your submission to a DT teacher in class or place in the competition box outside room 70 under the Baker hall. Ensure you write your full name and tutor group.

Awards available: geographical creativity, visual experience, navigational ease

Judged by: Arturo Bullard Photography

Design Clinic for support on this competition: Thursday 23rd August 12.45-1.25pm, Room 70


Open to Upper School

Challenge brief: At present there are minimum spaces for IB students to relax and study in peace. They lack an exclusive area to build on their learner profile. Design a space that could be used for such purposes. The design should consider the interior and exterior of the space and suggest a location within the school.

Final outcome options:

Option 1: An A3 model of the hub you have imagined.

Option2: An A3 page showing your digital design for the hub. Including different views of the hub and explanations of the design. The A3 page should promote and sell the design using persuasive language.

Deadline: Friday 7th September, 2.45pm

Submission details: Please pass your submission to a DT teacher in class or place in the competition box outside room 70 under the Baker hall. Ensure you write your full name and tutor group.

Awards available: environment & atmosphere, innovation

Judged by: Sr Rodrigo, and Sr Dellepiane, EDDICO

Design Clinic for support on this competition: Thursday 23rd August 12.45-1.25pm, Room 70