java functions
1. Watch Video "12a Work Together Processing Simple Fish". Create a Processing Project "Simple Fish" and implement the drawFish() function. The drawing of the fish can be found at:
2. Create a Google Doc called "Fish Function." Take a Screenshot of your Fish Function Canvas and paste onto the Google Doc. Copy and paste the Code for the drawFish() under the screenshot. Submit this to the Google Classroom.
3. Watch Video "12b Processing Boat Exercise Description".
4. Work through the Boat Exercise directions located at:
5. Finish the Boat Exercise by following Step #14 where you create your own drawing function. See Step #14 in directions.
6. Create a Google Doc called "Boat Exercise." Take a Screenshot of your Boat Exercise Canvas and place on this Google Doc.
7. Copy and Paste the Code from the Boat Exercise to the Google Doc. Submit "Boat Exercise" to the Google Classroom.