Lesson 1: Math Operators

1. Watch Video "06 Java Data Types and Problem Solving Sequence" for overview of programming with data, math operators, user input, and printing. Presentation available at: http://nebomusic.net/javalessons/02_Data_Types_Printing_User_Input.pdf

2. Watch Video "06a Work Together Java Math Operators Exercises" to get an orientation to the problem solving process.

3. Complete the Exercises located on CodeHS "Java Math Operators Exercise 01":

The exercises are:

-Simple Calculator
-Area of a Rectangle
-Area of a Triangle
-Volume of a Cylinder
-Volume of a Rectangular Prism
-Distance Converter
-Operations on Two Doubles
-Gas Milage and Cost Calculator
-Savings Calculator
-Tip Calculator

(You do not have to do Order Total Calculator)