sight words.pdf
Quarterly Assessment 2020.pdf

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Grading scale

S - Satisfactory 100 - 93

D - Developing 92 - 74

N - Needs Improvement 73 - 66

U - Unsatisfactory 65 -0

Marion Unit #2 is using a student management software called InformationNOW. 
This web-based software includes a "parent portal" to allow parents to view students' grades, attendance, discipline and other information. In order to be granted access to the parent portal, you should complete the online form (click on the A+ linked above). Your email will give you a login and password in order to see your child’s academics for each quarter. Kindergarten is different than any other grade. Your child will have a percentage for each of our standards. For example, if a child recognizes 13/26 uppercase letters, that child will receive a 50%. Your child then will receive an overall letter grade for each of the following: Reading, Writing and Mathematics. You can also find it in middle of the bottom of the Marion Unit 2 Website (Parent Portal Sign Up).