
I am a high school senior and I have done preforming arts for 4 years in a  row and visual arts for about a year now. I  began to draw around elementary school were I was drawing Pokémon on random pieces of paper. I found out who beautiful my art was but i knew it could have been better. I kept drawing but eventually stopped because of band. I loved band I was able to play the trumpet and play to hearts content. I was able to preform music with emotion and harmony. 

Once I got into high school I got myself involved in the high school marching band. it helped me find passion in determination and sweat. It helped me find that their is beauty in things that take long hours and difficult situation. I was able to become a solid player and be able to overcome many things.. 

Then covid hit and that was when I decided I would invest my time in the visual arts and draw more than I did before. I was able to create some of my best drawing and was able to indulge in the passion I had when I was in elementary school. I was able to embrace the passion and be able to make my art even better. I had limited things to draw with though but with time and patience that I learned from my freshman year I was able to create great art that I was proud of .

Once I was I back in school for my junior year I was fully invested with the music that I can create. I  switched over to tuba to help the band and create a powerful sound for the band and make them strong. I also made the Greater Phoenix band for trumpet and was able to make even better music with people who were also good. 

Then came my senior year I was still invested with band but art was something that made me calm and made me relaxed I also had an art class during this year. I loved it and am gaining more knowledge of art the more that I was in the class. I learned many things that I did not think where a thing. I also learned that their are many products specifically made for art and give it a unique look. 


For styles  I love gray and white. I love the details and the shading that can be put into it and the unique ways that people can draw just using the pencil. I also love charcoal drawings because it creates the mystical effect that makes a drawing not seem real. The amount of shading and  forms that it can take is amazing. Something about art that I also love when I got further on in my art was the background.

 I love creating a background with little details that can only be noticed if people look beyond the bigger picture that it is showing. It can also give a story to something that just may seem simple. None of my characters are originals to me but all the backgrounds that I have created are ones that I did. I love to add little things like animals. Maybe some furniture that is far away that has some hidden details that can create a story. I love adding the small bits that make the picture more enjoyable to the person and leaving it to be so simple 

I also love making drawing that are highlighted and have a 3d effect the only drawing that I did with that highlighted 3d effect is my favorite drawing and is one that I always look back to when i need to show someone my drawings or when I need to motivate myself and be able to continue my work. 

Life Time Goals 

For my life time goals I hope to be able to complete my major that is accounting. I hope to be able to complete it and get a job later on and grow. As for art I seek it to be a hobby of mine and that I will be able to grow upon it as I also go through college. I also might go for a minor in art just to see what art can become with just a little bit more of studying and learning about the variations of arts.