B1 Preliminary for Schools

Digital Format (Computer-Based Exam)

Explore the computer-based exam here:

Paper 1- Online Sample Reading - Answers

Paper 2 - Online Sample Writing

Paper 3 - Online Sample Listening - Answers 

Aviso - El examen de muestra por ordenador no califica tu examen, por lo tanto, comprueba tus respuestas a medida que realizas el examen con ayuda de las siguientes respuestas. Una vez finalizado el examen, no podrás comprobarlas.


Part 1 (Interview) - Respond to questions, giving factual or personal information. 2 minutes.

Part 2 (Extended turn) - Describe one colour photograph, talking for about 1 minute. 3 minutes.

Part 3 (Discussion) - Make and respond to suggestions, discuss alternatives and negotiate agreement. 4 minutes.

Part 4 (General conversation) - Discuss likes, dislikes, experiences, opinions, habits, etc. 3 minutes.

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