

¡Es importante practicar!



Google Classroom

Quizlet FANTASTIC site to practice vocabulary. Go to your Google Classroom to get the link to your class. It's in the first announcement (Use to look up individual words)

DO NOT use any translator (i.e. Google Translate). Any translated work will be counted as a zero

* Also, check your Google Classroom group.

Resources/Materials/Technology Policy

For assignments, activities, and daily classroom communications please login to

Marian Central Catholic High School has adopted a bring your own technology program. Students in my courses will be allowed to bring in personal laptops, tablets, or internet-ready smartphones for academic purposes. Students will not be required to bring in these devices but may do so voluntarily, and neither Marian Central nor the teacher is to be held responsible if the device is lost or stolen.

Students should:

  • Only use devices with instructor permission, for academic use, and for the assigned activity.
  • Be responsible for knowing how their device works, for keeping their device charged and updated, and for troubleshooting device malfunctions.
  • Consult Marian's Technology and BYOT acceptable use policies for more details. Parents should also be aware of these policies as well.
  • Check out a device from the library if they forget a device and if one is being used in class that day.
  • Consult the teacher if they have any questions regarding the use of technology in the classroom.

Students should not:

  • Use their devices in the hallways or in the cafeteria.
  • Bully, intimidate, or break any rules of online etiquette while
  • Be using technology in the classroom unless directed by a teacher.
  • Be surprised if their device is taken away for missing using technology in the classroom. Devices confiscated can be retrieved from the school office.