One School, One Book

Margaretta Elementary 2021

What is "One School, One Book?"

What? One School, One Book is designed to create a shared reading experience withing an elementary school community. A chapter book is chosen, every family in the elementary school receives a copy, and every family reads the book at home over the course of about four weeks. Activities at school coordinate, promote, and enrich the shared reading experience.

Why? To create a culture of literacy in every home. Research shows that reading aloud to children will help them become better readers.

Who? The entire school community and many community businesses are also going to be participating in One School, One Book

When? Be on the lookout! Your child will bring their book home in May after a special reveal assembly.

Chapter Readings

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March 2016 Inverview with Beverly Cleary

Beverly Cleary: April 12, 1916- March 25, 2021