Digital Research

MS/HS Digital Research Google Classroom: wm5yhl

Searching Online

Tips for Effective Search Strategies

Searching w/ Boolean, Quotations & Asterisks

Using Wikipedia for Academic Research

(a starting point; not a reference source)

10 Google Search Tips

How to Google Like a Pro!

1. Use "quotes" to search exact phrases/names

2. Insert a minus symbol - directly before a word you wish to omit (or + directly before a word you wish to add)

3. Use asterisks * to replace unknown words

4. Use the camera icon in Google Images to search by image

5. Search a site- "search term" site:(url)

6. Search similar websites- "related":(url)

7. Find older versions of your website- cache:(url)

8. Locate certain file types only- "search term" filetype:(format) i.e. PDF, PPT, XLS, DOC

9. Websites that contain your term in the page title- intitle:"search term"

10. Use Start to search Google if you are concerned about privacy

Evaluating Websites

Criteria for evaluating a website:

  • Current- Is the information up to date?

  • Relevant- Is the information in depth and relate to your topic?

  • Authority- Is the author an expert? Look for "About Us/Me"

  • Accurate- Is the information reliable? Is there evidence of citations?

  • Purposeful- Is the author objective? Are they trying to sell, entertain or persuade? (Unbiased)

CRAAP Website Evaluation.pdf

For Teachers:

Copyright & Citation

Easy Bib in Google Docs

Copyright and Fair Use

Protecting YOUR work: Respecting OTHERS work

Licensing Types:

  • Attribution (by)

  • Share Alike (sa)

  • Non Commercial (nc)

  • No Derivatives (nd)

Free Images & music

NOTE: Google Image Search images are NOT available for you to use freely UNLESS you set the Usage Rights tools correctly.

Digital Note-Taking & Other Resources

Digital Notebook

Google Keep

Digital Dictionary