
Tū Atamai i te Ipurangi

Term 2: Smart Footprint

Cybersmart learners create a positive digital footprint and think about how they advertise themselves online

19. iMovie v2

Week Eight-Nine, Term Two

Learn: use iMovie to share our learning

Create: a movie about showing āwhina

Share: Class blog post

17. Good Blog Comments

Week Six-Seven, Term Two

Learn: write a good blog comment

Create: screenshot a post you want to comment on, add it to EE with the comment you want to make

Share: Class blog post

Week six = buddy blogs, week seven = Marfell blogs

16. Good Blog Posts

Week Four-Five, Term Two

Learn: recognise a good quality blog post

Create: screenshot quality blog posts and talk about them on book creator

Share: Class blog post

15 & 16. Private vs Public

Week Two-Three

Learn: What is private and what is public information

Create: create a book about ourselves

Share: Class blog post

14. Book Creator v2

Week One, Term Two

Learn: use the drawing and text tools on Book Creator

Create: create a book 

Share: Class blog post

Term 1: Smart Learners

Smart learners are at home in a digital world

13. Book Creator v1

Week Nine/Ten, Term One

Learn: use the camera and voice tools on Book Creator

Create: create a book about caring for the iPad

Share: Class blog post

12. EE: Record Movement & Sound

Week Eight, Term One

Learn: Record movement and sound on Explain Everything

Create: speech bubbles talking with a friend

Share: Class blog post

11. EE: Lasso & Draw

Week Seven, Term One

Learn: Lasso a photo on Explain Everything

Create: an amazing YOU artwork

Share: Class blog post

10. EE: Drawing Tools

Week Six, Term One

Learn: use Explain Everything to draw a picture using the pen, fill and shapes tools

Create: a character from a book

Share: Class blog post

9. EE: Photo and Text

Week Five, Term One

Learn: use Explain Everything to take a photo and write a caption

Create: take a photo of a student showing five on the mat 

Share: Class blog post

8. Google Drive

Week Four, Term One

Learn: save our learning in our Google Drive Folders

Create: take a photo of our drawing from yesterday. Upload it into our Google Drive and change the name

Share: Class blog post

7. Kawa of Care

Week Three, Term One

Learn: take care of our devices properly and follow the Kawa of Care

Create: draw a picture of one thing you can do to care for your iPad

Share: Class blog post

6. Parts of the iPad

Week Three, Term One

Learn: name the parts of the iPad and their purpose

Create: create a paper iPad and label the parts

Share: Class blog post

4. Technology in Context

Week Two, Term One

Learn: say where we use different digital devices and why we use them there

Create: Technology sort

Share: Class blog post

3. Technology in Context

Week Two, Term One

Learn: describe how technology has changed and improved over time

Create: Past and present sheet

Share: Class blog post

2. Digital Devices

Week Two, Term One

Learn: find and name different types of digital device

Create: Technology hunt

Share: Class blog post

Intro to Cybersmart

Week One, Term One

Learn: Show MANA during Cybersmart lessons

Create: Follow the leader hug hold poster. 

Share: Class blog post

MCS iPad Kawa of Care