Room 1 Learning

Welcome to Week 7.......

Please see the timetable below with your work for the week. If you have any questions or need to send me completed work my email address is

Week 7 Online Learning.docx


Kiwi's and Piwakawaka - Harper, Hanah, George, Francis, Ayla, Beaudahn, Tina-Marie, Bella, Keyanu

Monday - Read Haere Atu! Retell the story in your own words.
Tuesday - Complete two levels on Reading Eggs.
Wednesday - Write a story about your favourite animal. Remember to tell be why it is your favourite animal.
Thursday - Listen to a story on Epic! Draw a picture about the story using lots of detail.
Friday - Choose an animal that you want to learn about. Research it and write down 5 interesting facts you learnt.


Tūī, Kerurū and Pūkeko - Ngarua, Kimberly, Unique, Rosemary, Abi, Aaliya, Manawa, Zebedee, Ezra, Nevaeh, Nivada, Ngamanaaki

Monday - Read Will They Float? Make a list of different things that float and sink at home.
Tuesday - Complete two levels on Reading Eggs.
Wednesday - Write a story about your favourite animal. Remember to tell be why it is your favourite animal.
Thursday - Listen to a story on Epic! Draw a picture about the story using lots of detail.
Friday - Write down 5 things you know about the ocean.

Fast Finishers

Read to self

We are practicing reading to improve our fluency.

Listen to reading

We are learning to enjoy stories and think about what we are hearing.

Reading games

We are learning to practice spelling patterns.

Reading Eggs

We are practicing the sounds we know in words.


Kekano - Ayla, Hanah, Francis, George, Beaudahn, Keyanu, Zebedee

Monday - Complete activities on StudyLadder
Tuesday - Write out all the multiples of 5's, starting at 200 and ending at 320. Make sure you right your numbers correctly.
Wednesday - Problem solving problem. Remember to show your working (see below).
Thursday -
Friday - Complete activities on StudyLadder


Honu and Mako - Manawa, Bella, Kimberly, Aaliya, Tina-Marie, Harper, Abi, Nevaeh, Ngarua, Nivada, Ngamanaaki, Rosemary, Unique

Monday - Complete activities on StudyLadder
Tuesday - Write out and complete your doubles to 20. Make sure you right your numbers correctly.
Wednesday - Basketball maths challenge (see below).
Thursday -
Friday - Complete activities on StudyLadder


Fast Finishers

Honu - Stage 4

Kekano and Mako - Stage 2/3

Login details available in your drive if needed.