

Principal's Message

What a year 2021 has been. For many of us, it has had its fair share of trials and tribulations. It is at this time we can reflect on what we are truly grateful for and at Marden Primary Academy, we have much to celebrate. Our children have returned to school full-time with limited disruption this academic year and it has been wonderful to see how well they are all progressing. Watching the videos of the nativity shows today has been a wonderful experience, it exemplifies what talented and confident thespians and singers we have! The children here at Marden are quite something, they are polite, outgoing and exuberant, for all they have had to endure, they really are a credit to you and Marden Primary Academy.

I want to take a moment to thank you as parents and carers for welcoming the number of new members of staff, including myself into your wonderful community this year. It is wonderful to be a part of a wider community and this was epitomised by the Christmas fair. The PTA here is something that I have never seen before, your hard work, time and attention put into running such a great event was astounding. The money raised will be put to good use and I look forward to sharing how in the new year.

Finally, I must yet again commend my talented, driven and compassionate staff, who have worked tirelessly this year to provide your children with the best possible education in extremely challenging circumstances. I know you will join me in thanking them for their unwavering commitment.

We do not know what the new year will bring, but what I can guarantee is that we will adapt, adjust and overcome any challenge that is thrown at us. We are a resilient bunch here at Marden Primary Academy and nothing will get in the way of us continuously improving and achieving, in learning and in life.

I wish all of you, a very merry Christmas.

Mr N Dosad

National Online Safety

When parents and carers finally have the chance to spend some quality time with their child over Christmas, many face a familiar struggle to prise their young one’s attention away from their phone, console, tablet or computer. Fun family bonding over the festive period, however, doesn’t have to exclude devices. There are sackfuls of Christmas activities and ideas online which grown-ups and children can enjoy together. We’ve compiled our own ‘nice list’ of seasonal suggestions of how to make the most of the online world this Christmas.

In the guide, you'll find tips such as video calling family members, playing video games as a family and listening to your favourite seasonal songs online.

Curriculum Corner:

Christmas is a season for spending quality time with the family, but it also provides opportunities for extra learning to support what children have done at home.

Children can:

. write thank you letters to family and friends.

. spend time reading new books they have received.

. manipulate number during their Christmas dinner e.g. how many sprouts have I got left?

. perform artistically in a game of charades.

The possibilities are endless and anything your child can do over the Christmas period will set them in good stead for returning to school and their learning in the New Year.

However, most importantly, all the curriculum leads at Marden wish you all a very happy Christmas!

Times Tables Rock Stars

A big congratulations goes to this weeks winners of the class Rockstars competition, who are again 6CK, narrowly pipping 4WB to the title.

They win Ringo the Rockstar Teddy! We will be running a Christmas holiday Rockstar competition so which class will win him for the New Year?

The individual class winners are:

3B: Percy P

3/4D: Stanley M

4WB: Harry B

5DK: Liam B

5/6A: Elliot S

6CK: Albert P

In the LAT primary school competition (involving 12 schools), we, unfortunately, slipped down to 3rd place on the last day but all children can be proud of their effort, especially considering our school size compared to others.

However, excitedly, of all classes across the LAT primary schools which participated, 6CK came top with the most points. When we consider there were just over 100 classes participating, that is a monumental effort so a massive congratulations to them! Their prize will be making its way to them in 2022.

On an individual note, Albert P managed to earn the most points out of a field of over 2000 children which is beyond amazing and also deserves a massive congratulations!

PTA Messages

PTA Christmas Fair

A massive thank you to everyone who came out to support the PTA's Christmas Fair last weekend. It was so encouraging to see so many familiar faces and lots of people having fun! We could not have done it without the help of all the volunteers and local businesses who supported us, so thank you for your time and input.

If you have not already done so, please collect silent auction items and raffle prizes from the office by Friday 7th January 2022.

Christmas 2021

Christmas Lunch

Christmas Jumper Day

EYFS/KS1 Christmas Performance


KS2 Christmas Performance

Office Messages

Wraparound Care - Spring Term

The wraparound care module is now available on the My Child At School app for parents to book Breakfast Club and/or After School Club sessions for their children in the Spring Term.

All bookings must be in advance. If you book a session in either provision you will be charged unless your child is off school with illness. Your child will not be able to attend either provision unless payment has been received.

All payments must be made via MCAS or childcare vouchers in advance.

Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Breakfast Club opens at 7.40am - 8:30 am at a cost of £3.00 per day. Children in receipt of Pupil Premium will be charged £2.00 per day.

After School Club runs from the end of the school day until 6pm. We will now be offering two different options to parents. Half Session: 3.00-4.30PM at a cost of £5.00 per session and Full Session: 3.00-6.00pm at a cost of £10.00 per session. If your child is due to be collected at 4.30pm and you arrive late, you will be charged the full £10.00. There will also be a charge for late collection after 6.00pm, £1 / minute.

Parking Issues - Marden Memorial Hall

Marden Primary Academy works closely with our community to ensure that issues that may affect our local residents are discussed and resolved to a mutually beneficial level. It is imperative that when parents visit our school either to drop off or pick up their child that they do so with due care and attention and do not put others at risk. They should also give consideration to our local community and park safely and in appropriate areas. Please do not use the Marden Memorial Hall car park at peak times as it causes congestion and issues for the staff and parents of Marden Pre-School. Similarly, parents should not be parking on the zig zag lines, zebra crossing or across the front of resident driveways.

It may result in parents parking a small distance away from school and walking into the school grounds to drop off or collect their children., but It is important to our school that positive relations with our local community remain in place and do not diminish due to inconsiderate, dangerous parking by our parents.

Principal's Awards

RM: Eyad has been a star this week. He always gives 100% and he is an exceptional role model to others - Well done Eyad!


1MT: Olivia - Rose for always doing the right thing and being a positive role model to her peers.

1/2S: Verity has an amazing zest for learning. She strives to succeed with everything she does. Keep up the great work Verity. We are very proud of you!

2D: Bethan for continual hard work which, this week, has coincided with some deep and meaningful comments on how moving images impact us as individuals.

3B: Lewis for his super work this term! He has worked extremely hard on his writing and it is lovely to see him take so much pride in his work. Keep it up! We are very proud of you!

3/4D: Lisa-Marie has continued to be a supportive and helpful member of the class.

4WB: Ellie is a fantastic role-model to her year 4 peers. She works incredibly hard, communicates effectively through her contributions during all lessons and demonstrates her knowledge and understanding as well as being an open-minded thinker.

5DK: Clara is a credit to Year 5, working hard to broaden her knowledge and showing she is adapt at working both independently and as a part of a group. Well done, Clara. Keep it up.

5/6A: Shane has shown his ability to work in a team throughout this week. He has demonstrated his ability to communicate and encourage his team to successfully complete tasks. Well done for your hard work this week Shane.

6CK: William M has shown his skills as a thinker with his creative approach to problem solving this week, but also having a very reflective attitude with thoughtful consideration to his learning. Well done, William.

RM Class ~ Year R

Star Pupils


Emma's enthusiasm and determination to learn is an inspiration to others! She comes in every morning with a smile and willingness to give learning a go, even when it's tricky. Keep risk - taking. We are very proud of you.


The progress that Gabrielle continues to make is exceptional. She is always open - minded to new learning and demonstrates excellent learning behaviour each and everyday. We are very proud of you.

RM Class Reminders

Thank you for your fantastic support this term. The children have settled in beautifully and they are thriving. We can't do it without you!

From all of the adults in Team RM, have a wonderful holiday and a happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday 4th January.

RMC Class ~ Year R

Star Pupils


I couldn't possibly choose just two star pupils this week, you have all been stars! I am so proud of each and everyone one of you as you have demonstrated a love for learning and have pushed yourself so far! I can't wait until we are back in school together and learning lots in the new year!

RMC Class Reminders

Wow! What an incredible start their school journey RMC have had! We are so very proud of them all and their achievements. Thank you all for your continued support. Please ensure that you have a restful and enjoyable break. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 4th January 2022.

Mrs Smith and I would like to thank you all for you kind and thoughtful gifts, we really appreciate them!

1MT Class ~ Year 1

Star Pupils


Freya has been a really good communicator working in a small group and has shown she can listen well.


1MT Class Reminders

Please make sure your all have a lovely relaxing Christmas and a good rest.

1/2S Class ~ Year 1/2

Star Pupils


Darcie is a very caring member of our class. She is always willing to share her ideas with others and is very considerate to the needs of others. Such fantastic qualities Darcie, well done!


Felix is working incredibly hard to be a reflective learner. He is listening to feedback to help him improve and trying his best to show this in his writing. Great work Felix!

1/2S Class Reminders:

We would like to thank you for all your thoughtful, and much appreciated Christmas gifts. We wish you all a very merry Christmas and hope you enjoy this special time of year with your families.

2D Class ~ Year 2

Star Pupils


Once again, you have all had an amazing term and deserve all the plaudits which are coming your way. You have all worked hard, continually pushing yourselves and we couldn't be prouder of you. Your effort and hard work with our Nativity has been the pinnacle of this term and is something you should all be proud of. We look forward to seeing what you will achieve by the end of our next term.

2D Class Reminders:

Please take any opportunity over the Christmas holidays to continue reading with your child as well as working on any number and writing skills. This will mean they come back in January ready to dive straight in to our new learning.

However, please do also make sure your child rests and that they, and yourselves, have a lovely relaxing Christmas surrounded by family and we look forward to seeing you in 2022!

3B Class ~ Year 3

Star Pupils


What an amazing term we have had! You have all worked so hard and I am so proud of every single one of you! Your enthusiasm towards the Christmas performance was incredible. Have a lovely Christmas and I look forward to seeing you in the New Year and all the amazing things we will achieve!

3B Class Reminders

We would like to thank you all for your much-appreciated gifts! We wish you all a very Merry Christmas with you family and friends. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Miss Brown and Mrs Payne-Cook

3/4D Class ~ Year 3/4

Star Pupils


Adam has shown brilliant communication skills. He has been able to carefully pick the language needed to present his understanding of different cultures when creating a poem.

Well done Adam.


Paige has been a great thinker this week whilst creating a poem about different cultures. She has worked carefully to show her understanding of the things that define these cultures.

Well done Paige.

3/4D Class Reminders

Please take any opportunity over the Christmas holidays to continue reading and visiting TTR regularly.

Please do also make sure your child rests and that they, and yourselves, have a lovely relaxing Christmas surrounded by family and we look forward to seeing you in 2022!

4WB Class ~ Year 4

Star Pupils


We had a fantastic time making our sock snowmen and everyone did a fantastic job, but Elena was so focussed and determined to create her beautiful 'Snowy' and did not require any help. She reflected over her design and what would look best and her hard work paid off. Well done, Elena.


Jacob has demonstrated his thinking skills this week by writing an imaginative story about being stuck inside a snow globe. He was really focussed and put a lot of effort into his writing. Well done, Jacob.

4WB Class Reminders

Well done for the last two terms year 4, you have continued to work hard right up to the end. We can't wait to see and share your sleigh designs in the new year.

Have a fabulous Christmas, stay safe and enjoy the break and see you ready and refreshed in 2022!

Mrs Ward and Mrs Bowles.

5DK Class ~ Year 5

Star Pupils


Emily has been a credit to 5DK this term. She always works hard and gives her best to every piece of work. This has culminated in showing what a great inquirer she is, researching and learning all about Michael Jackson and then producing three sensational pieces of work around him: a diary entry, a biography and a balanced argument. Superb work Emily, keep it up.


The start to this year has been a pleasure. Your work ethic has been really strong, you ask insightful questions and you debate and challenge each other, showing what great communicators you are. I cannot wait to see where our learning takes us next term - stay safe and be ready to go in the New Year.

5DK Class Reminders

Please remember to complete your homework project for this term so that it can be handed in by the end of the first week back. We will be especially impressed if any of you have decided to complete the Christmas challenge of designing and building a sleigh; we look forward to seeing your creations in the New Year!

Reading and mental agility for speed and recall of number facts continues to be a priority for upper key stage 2. Make sure your read every day and maintain accuracy for your times tables over the holiday.

Above all, please ensure you rest well over this festive break; we hope you are able to enjoy time with family and still remain safe and healthy, refreshed for return in the New Year. Happy Christmas!

5/6A Class ~ Year 5/6

Star Pupils


Jessica has demonstrated her ability to work well with others and support her peers through group work. Her efforts to create a house out of math sticks with her team showed that she is also able to take risks and present her best efforts.


Robbie has shown great determination to try his best in all areas of learning. His determination to succeed is an inspiration to the class. He reflects on his mistakes to ensure he avoids making them again. Well done Robbie!

5/6A Class Reminders

Please remember to complete your homework project for this term so that it can be handed in by the end of the first week back. We will be especially impressed if any of you have decided to complete the Christmas challenge of designing and building a sleigh; we look forward to seeing your creations in the New Year!

Reading and mental agility for speed and recall of number facts continues to be a priority for upper key stage 2. Make sure your read every day and maintain accuracy for your times tables over the holiday.

Above all, please ensure you rest well over this festive break; we hope you are able to enjoy time with family and still remain safe and healthy, refreshed for return in the New Year. Happy Christmas!

6CK Class ~ Year 6

Star Pupils

Freddie B

Freddie has impressed each of his teachers this week by his level of resilience given when faced with a difficult problem solving task. It is clear that he actively enjoys learning and challenging himself; this was particularly evident in our maths relay where he showed a natural curiosity in his inquiry for each problem and resolved to use very practical means to support his independence.


Lucas has stood out this week for being an excellent communicator; he has worked effectively and willingly with others to solve complex mathematical problems but also when faced with a practical engineering task. Thank you for the motivation and enthusiasm you have brought to your team this week, Lucas.

6CK Class Reminders

Please remember to complete your homework project for this term so that it can be handed in by the end of the first week back. We will be especially impressed if any of you have decided to complete the Christmas challenge of designing and building a sleigh; we look forward to seeing your creations in the New Year!

Reading and mental agility for speed and recall of number facts continues to be a priority for year 6. Make sure your read every day and maintain accuracy for your times tables over the holiday.

Above all, please ensure you rest well over this festive break; we hope you are able to enjoy time with family and still remain safe and healthy, refreshed for return in the New Year. Happy Christmas!