

Principal's Message

Thank you to everyone who attended Parents Evening on Wednesday. It was lovely to see so many parents/carers attend. We hope it was a good opportunity for you to be able to speak to your child's class teacher and to have a look at some of their work. 

We had our second EYFS open event today for children who will be starting in September 2024. It was great to welcome them to Marden and to share work across the school. Our prospective parents were full of questions and positive comments about what they saw - we're looking forward to meeting more prospective parents over the coming weeks for our EYFS tours. 

A reminder that next Friday we have our Halloween disco. If you have not already bought a ticket but would like to, you can purchase them on MCAS. 

Mrs H Penning

Tuesday 17th October - Year R & 6 National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)

Tuesday 17th October 5.00-6.00pm - EYFS Open Event for children starting in September 2024

Thursday 19th October 2.30pm - EYFS Learning Journey Share

Friday 20th October - PTA Halloween Disco (EYFS & KS1 3:30-4:30 AND KS2 4:45-6:00) 

Friday 20th October - Last day of Term 1

Friday 20th October - Non-uniform day for Polar for earning the most house points

Monday 6th November - First day of Term 2

Monday 6th November - Year 3/4 Road Safety Workshops

Tuesday 7th November 9.15-10.30am- EYFS Open Event for children starting in September 2024

Friday 10th November - KS2 Remembrance assembly at the Church

Friday 10th November 3.15 - 4.00pm - Poppy Walk 

Saturday 25th November 2023 11.30am-1.30pm PTA Christmas Fair

Office Messages

Fabulous Projects Drama Club & Half Term Workshop

Jen Ward will be back at Marden in Term 2 for her ever-popular Drama Club. Please see below for more details. Jen can be contacted directly at 

Upcoming Events

National Online Safety 

They might not be able to pinpoint its location on a map, and they might not fully grasp the historical and political drivers behind the conflict – but in this age where news, images and video can cross continents in seconds, many children are now aware of the terrible recent events in Israel. It’s a situation, of course, that could cause youngsters extreme distress and worry.

Our #WakeUpWednesday guide contains some valuable pointers for supporting children to deal with upsetting content they’ve encountered online – whether that’s the attacks in Israel, ongoing worries over the environment, or something else entirely. Our tips will assist trusted adults in helping young people to process any negative emotions that they may be feeling.