Marden Update

Dear Parents/ Carers,

We have been back together a whole school community for nearly 2 weeks, it has been lovely to hear the buzz of learning around the school again and hearing children laughing. You should be extremely proud of your children, they have all shown a lot of resilience returning to school, both emotionally and academically. All adults in the school have worked very hard to make sure the return has been as smooth as possible. I would also like to thank all the parents for working with us to ensure a safe return for you children. Attendance and punctuality have been excellent, which has helped the children settle back in.

I wanted to take this opportunity to remind parents of our leadership structure here at Marden Lodge, so that you know who to contact depending upon which year your child is, or what you need support with. The first step of contact should always be the class teacher, after that it would be the Phase Leaders; this is Miss Bullman or Mrs Drury for Early Years, Mrs Bell for KS1 (Year 1 and 2) and Miss Cushman for KS2 (Year 3,4,5 and 6). If you feel that you need to take something further, you will then contact Mrs Young, the Deputy Headteacher, and then myself as Head of School. The reason for having this structure is because the people with the most information about your child can usually deal with queries and if you feel it needs to be escalated there is then something in place for this to happen. If you are unsure who to contact, the school office would be able to direct you to the best person to help.

Have a lovely weekend.

Denise Coady

Head of School

Meet Mrs Young!

We thought it would be useful to get to know members of our staff team, so in every newsletter, you will get to find out more about a member of staff and what their role is in school.

Hello I’m Mrs Young and I joined Marden Lodge back in September as Deputy Headteacher.

I have been teaching for almost twenty years and have taught across both KS1 and KS2. I have taught in several schools and have had lots of different senior leadership roles over the last seven years. I grew up locally and it is a real honour to be part of the Marden Lodge community, near to where I went to school myself. I have two daughters ages 2 and 5 who take up most of my time out of school!

My role as Deputy Headteacher is varied which is one of the reason why I love it. I am privileged to be able to teach lots of different classes across the school as well as support Mrs Coady and Mr Williams with leading and developing our school to make sure our pupils receive the best education. I am enjoying getting to know the pupils and I'm trying really hard to learn the names of them all!

If you ever want to speak to me, feel free to contact our school office or see me on the playground before or after school.

Meet the School Standards Board (SSB)

A question that is often asked by parents is, 'Who are the members of our School Standards Board and what do they do?' We thought it would be useful to get to know our SSB members so in every newsletter, you will get to find out more about them and what their role is in school too. This week, find out about our Chair, Stuart Mitchenall, Community Member of the SSB and our current chair of the SSB

I retired in 2017, leaving a career in Central and Local Government of about 40 years. When I left school I was intending to pursue Geology, and did work in Geo-Chemistry for a few years. It was a gap year job but I never got to University. Married for over 40 years, with 3 children and 3 grandchildren, I became a parent governor in the 1980’s. So I am an fairly experienced in school governance. I have always enjoyed working with schools to improve the situation for children; it is children that schools are for. Schools give us all a chance in life, and I am a great believer in children reaching their potential. Marden Lodge governance was going through a sticky patch, and I was asked to help through the Chalklands connection. I have been very pleased to work with the leadership and staff of the school as well as my fellow Board members. We all seek to develop Marden Lodge to give the children better opportunities and learning. Most importantly, I think, the school is one that strives to do better – something I hope it passes on to the children

After Easter we will have a parent SSB member vacancy. If you would be interested in joining the SSB as a parent member or learning more about its work, then please contact Stuart Mitchenall by email. Further details can be found at .

Nursery Places for September 2021

Here at Marden Lodge, we are excited to share that we are now taking applications for children to join us in September 2021. We offer places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds for both the 15 hours universal entitlement and the 30 hours extended offer. Across the week we offer 3 different sessions:

  • Monday and Tuesday 8:45 - 15:00 and Wednesday morning 8:45 - 11:45 (15 hours)

  • Wednesday afternoon 12:15 - 15:00 and Thursday and Friday 8:45 - 15:00 (15 hours)

  • Five days a week (Monday to Friday) 8:45 - 15:00 (30 hours)

Marden Lodge Nursery has the children at it's heart, promoting curiosity and a love of learning through a child-led approach. We encourage the children to follow their own interests whilst supporting them on their unique journey through the Early Years. With a free-flow Nursery environment and access to the garden all day every day (whatever the weather!) the children take centre stage.

As part of a wider school community the children also have opportunities to explore Forest School weekly, visit areas such as the library and take part in whole school events. Not only does this introduce the children to their valued role within a community, it also supports them with their transition into Reception. With an experienced team, a qualified teacher and strong relationships with our Nursery families, the children leave us school-ready!

New for 2021, we will be moving to a new on-site setting, previously the Children's Centre. It is currently undergoing a refurbishment and will be ready to go for September 2021 - after a lick of paint and more! We are so excited to be transitioning. With an on-site kitchen (lots of baking and cooking our future!), a large outdoor garden and open plan classroom - it is going to be an exciting new chapter for the Marden Lodge community.

To apply for a place for September 2021, please visit or call our school office on 01883 343 014

Respect for our Neighbours

Please can all parents ensure that they are respectful to our neighbours. Sadly, one of our neighbours was very upset by some parents and children who caused damage to his property, which was captured on CCTV. Any disrespectful behaviour by parents or children towards members of the public reflects negatively on our school, so it is very important that all members of the school community are mindful of this. Thank you in advance for your support with this.



At Marden Lodge, the wellbeing or our pupils is something we are really passionate about. It has been a joy to see our pupils back at school and over the last few weeks, staff have been working with them to ensure they are settled and feel comfortable being back. The Mental Health Foundation have a guide for parents and carers to use with their children at home. It is important that children are encouraged and supported to look after their mental health every day. This guide offers suggestions for how you can help your child do this. The guide also offers advice for what you can do when things get tough and if you're worried about your child's mental health. Remember staff are always happen to listen to any worries you have about your child to support you.

Thrive : Resources and Information

There are lots of things young people could be worried about at the moment - this great animation from Rise Above talks about creating a Worry Tree.

'It helps show us how to sort our worries into different boxes. Once we've decided what type of worry we have then we can deal with them in the best way possible.'

Watch the video and discuss with your children and families.

Annual Parent Survey

It is the time of year again when we seek feedback from all of our stakeholders: children, staff and parents. We need to hear from you what is going well and what we need to improve as your views are central to our school improvement process. The School Leadership Team are relentless in the drive for school improvement and this survey will help us continue the process.

You may complete one survey per parent, per child, in your family. For example, 2 parents with 2 children could submit up to 4 individual surveys. The deadline for completion is the last day of term, Thursday, 1st April.

Thank you for your time and support.

Click here for the survey.

Anti-Bullying Update

As part of our ongoing anti-bullying work, in every newsletter we will provide you with useful information about bullying and friendships. This week is about relationships at home.

Restorative Thinking and Positive Relationships: preventing and managing conflict

With COVID-19 keeping us all at home, there may be times when we feel worried and stressed and this can lead to family tension, arguments and conflict. When children see parents/carers communicating well and staying calm, it can help them cope with their own big emotions. These four short learning sequences are an introduction to restorative and relational thinking - a few techniques that can help us to better manage emotions and stay calm, and to keep communicating with each other in positive ways. These lessons will support you to:

  • Reconsider positive relationships;

  • Think about all behaviour as 'communication';

  • Start to use a line of questioning that will help you (and others) through problems and will help to maintain positive mental health;

  • Deal better with stress.

Click here to find out more.

Covid-19 Updates


Please can we remind you to ensure you are socially distancing at all times when on school premises.


If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please use the contact below:

The safeguarding leads at Marden Lodge Primary School & Nursery are Mr Williams, Mrs Coady, Mrs Young, Miss Cushman, Mrs Bell, Mrs Kirkpatrick and Mrs Jelly.


Marden's Marvellous Learners

Children who demonstrate our learning behaviours get a certificate and leaf on our learning tree.

Resilience - Keep going

Collaboration - Team work

Concentration - Stay Focused

Challenge - Take Risks

Curiosity - Ask Questions

Well done to these Marvellous Learners.


Badgers- Shravya

Owls- Barin

Pine- Georgia

Cedar- Alice


Badgers- Ophelia

Owls- Honey

Oak- Evie

Pine- Karolina

Acer- Taylor

Cedar- Ben

Willow- Harry

Star of the Week

Dojo points are awarded to children who demonstrate our school values. The child with the most Dojo points at the end of the week gets a Star of the Week Certificate. Well done to these stars of the week.


Badgers- Ophelia

Owls- Zaynab

Pine- Kaaya

Cedar- Kian


Badgers- Buddy

Owls- Natty

Oak- Kiarna

Pine- Kaynen

Acer- Jaden

Cedar- Bobby-Joe

Willow- Eleni


Badgers- Cadan, Heath, Vogue, Charlie, Dunmininu

Owls- Izzy, Sofia, KJ, Dylan, Jack

Oak- Adam, Amelia, Evie D, Maia, Jack VB

Pine- Georgia, Jacob, Jamie, karolina, Rylee

Acer - Oliver, Sienna, Yenna, Kaitlyn B

Cedar- Ben, Shane, Bobby Joe, Jaydon, Kian, Zara

Willow- Harry, Aidan, Abhay, Jack, Iris


Badgers- Tara, Ophelia, Buddy, Declan, Isla

Owls- Emily, Aaliyah, Finley, Katherine

Oak- Eden, Isabelle, Kiarna, Nylah, Tessa, Tommy, Sarah

Pine- Fin, Maison, Rhyley, Sonakshi

Acer - Alana, Isabella, Tommy, Taylor

Cedar- Alfie B, Alice, Harry, Beatrice, Maysa

Willow- Riley, Stephen, Lily Mae, Luke, Prithvi

Congratulations to these TTRS winners! These children are the highest TTRS scorers over the last fortnight. Well done! Keep playing everyone.

Harry Y6

Zara Y5

Sonakshi and Kaaya Y4 (Pine)

Yenna Y4 (Acer)

Jennifer Y3

Marden Lodge Primary School and Nursery Facebook Page has been relaunched so please request to join the page.

Marden Twitter @mardenlodge

Parent Mail

Please check your emails as most communication will be through Parent Mail.

Class Dojo

Class Dojo has been a great success during the partial school closures. We will continue to put messages and information on Class Dojo throughout the year.

Who to contact in school

If you need to contact school for any reason, please use the email address below or call us on 01883 343014.

Free School Meals

If your circumstances have changed and you feel that you may now be eligible for pupil premium funding, please contact the office.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

The Marden Team