Español III

The picture above was taken in Madrid during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).


In this language program all skills are expected to be retained in order to be used in a more sophisticated way in the future. This is a skills-based discipline, you cannot excel unless you work at retaining old-skills while acquiring new ones. Luckily, there are many online resources available to help students practice daily at home.

In this course, we will place a concentration on history and culture. We will continue to learn and practice intermediate Spanish grammar and vocabulary through the cultural topics and by using the book Avancemos III. Students will be expected to speak at least 70% in Spanish during every class. It is my goal that by the end of the school year, the students will be able to communicate in the past, present, and future about various topics related to history and culture. The cultural topics of the Spanish speaking world that we will be studying this year are outdoor experiences, city neighborhood, impact of technology, environmental concerns, social problems, and individual responsibilities in the society.

These are the TOPICS we will cover this year (please note this is subject to change):

September Culture/Vocabulary: Family and Beach/Maps of Spain

Grammar: Review/ Test

October/November Culture: Spanish Civil War

Grammar: Preterite/Imperfect

December/January Culture/Vocabulary: My neighborhood

Grammar: Perfect tenses

February/March Culture: Latin America

Grammar: Future Tense

April/May/June- Culture: Latinos in the USA /Chicano movement

Grammar: Present Subjunctive Tense

Picktochart SP III