Mi casa es tu casa

The picture above is " La Alhambra", an amazing Islamic medieval palace located in Granada (Andalucía), Spain. You should try to visit if you travel to Spain!

Hola and welcome to la clase de español de la Señora Álvarez!

Below you will find the grading system, rules and expectations for my classes.


This year we will be using a category system to determine grades. There will be a different number of total points each term. There are many different ways to earn points. Please read the following categories to see all the ways you can earn points. There will be many different types of assessments. There may be other assignments that will fit into these categories, and each will be explained in class as it comes up.

Academic Practices: Class work, participation, dialogues, check-ins, small writings, etc… - 25%

Assessments: Tests, quizzes, projects, big writings, etc… - 75%

Classroom Rules of Conduct

  • No electronics (cell phones, radios, iPods etc.) should be out or turned on in the classroom. An iPad or similar device may be used for note taking with prior notice and permission.
  • You should be seated and ready to learn when the bell sounds.
  • Bathroom visits should be made prior to the start of class.
  • Students must sign out and in if they leave for a bathroom break. Only one student should be absent from the classroom at any one time.
  • No beverages please, except water in a clear bottle.
  • Be respectful of the teacher and other students at all times.

Google Classroom

Our class will be using “Google Classroom”. You will be required to periodically (at least once a day) check for upcoming assignments, extra activities and practice, and some quizzes or homework. We will set up our “Google Classroom” during the first week of school.


The use of online translators will NOT be permitted. Any students suspected of using online translation services or cheating during assessment will be asked to turn in the assignment for an investigation by the administration.


There will be a homework assignment at the end of most classes. Homework is your chance to use what you learned in class to see if you can do it independently. Language learning requires PRACTICE, please make time for 15 minutes a day of online work ( www.studyspanish.com / www.spanish411.net ) in addition to any written practice that we give you. Homework grades may be based on completeness, randomly collected and graded or instead, a small homework check to see if you are able to apply the homework concepts.


A 3-ring Binder with plenty of notebook paper to take notes and folders to hold class handouts is suggested. Students will be responsible for supplying their own paper. The notebook will be extremely important and it should stay organized. Also, it is helpful to have pens, colored pens, index cards and pencils for each class.


If you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me about your missed work. You have 3 school days to look for me. After 3 days, you can no longer make-up the quiz/test/homework/project.

If you are absent for more than three days, please talk to the teacher individually.

You have the opportunity to retake one grammar quiz or test if you get a D or lower. In order to do so, you have to come for extra help within a week and schedule the retake promptly. It is the student’s responsibility to coordinate the retake. The two grades will be averaged.


  • When you come back from an absence, you should have a white card indicating that the absence was excused. This card is obtained at the main office upon your return. It is your responsibility to present the card for my signature when you return to class. If you do not have a white card, I will assume that the absence was unexcused, and you will not be eligible for credit on missed work.
  • When you return from an absence, it is your responsibility to find out what assignments you missed. Extra copies of handouts will be available on GOOGLE CLASSROOM/ GOOGLE SITES. You do not have to print anything, you can simply do the work in your notebook!

Getting Extra Help: A 104

If you’re having difficulty with the material being covered in class, or have been absent and need to catch up, don’t hesitate to ask for extra help; we will be happy to help. We are typically available right after school, Monday through Thursday, but you can make an appointment to meet at other times if required. Remember that an important additional source of extra help is your classmates!

Teacher-Assigned Detention

Tardiness to class, private conversations, and other inappropriate behavior may result in after-school detention with the teacher. Typically this will involve 20 minutes starting at 2:35, in the classroom, as stated above.

You are expected to serve the detention on the day it is assigned. If for some unusual reason you are unable to do so, you are still required to report for the detention at 2:35, at which time we will negotiate an alternate time. If you fail to report for the detention, the matter will be turned over to the Assistant Principal.

Student and Parent Handbook

The Student Handbook, which is available online at mhs.marbleheadschools.org, has much more to say about things like absences, tardiness, appropriate dress, food and drink (not allowed in the classroom, except for water), cell phones, etc. Familiarize yourself with these important regulations.


Independent on-line practice is a part of the expectation of this course. Sites like: www.studyspanish.com, www.spanish411.net or the app Duolingo should be used for 15 minutes daily in order to maintain previously learned skills. Language acquisition requires learning and retaining grammar concepts and applying them correctly while learning new material.

I am looking forward to an amazing year!!

Señora Álvarez