The Ocean Biome

The Ocean

The Ocean is filled with many wonders including millions of different plants and animal life and even some species that haven't been found yet. This biome is largest biome on the planet. In fact, we humans have explored only 5% of the entire ocean. You may know the ocean to be one giant span across the earth, but the ocean is actually split into five different oceans. These oceans include the Atlantic ocean, the Pacific ocean, Arctic ocean, Indian ocean, and the Southern ocean. More than 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with the ocean. There are many animals and plants found only in the ocean. These organisms have to adapt to water pressure and also have to get oxygen underwater, unlike animals on land. Most animals in the ocean are fish, however there some mammals too. Whales, dolphins, seals and more live in the sea, yet still have to breathe oxygen from above. All the fish in the sea are fitted to their environment very well with adaptations like gills to breathe through and fins to propel and steer them through the water. There are many different plants in the ocean like kelp, and algae. Many of the plants are very small. Phytoplankton and microalgae are invisible to the naked eye. The ocean is beautiful and teeming with unique organisms that are only found in the ocean, this wonderful biome needs to be protected by humans forever.

Humans are destroying the ocean's natural beauty. The oceans are now trashed with all of the our garbage and now the ocean is becoming more unsafe for animals in their natural habitat. The ocean is also becoming more acidic because of humans. If you look at this picture you can see that there are almost no parts of the map with a low human impact and most of the map is a high impact on the ocean. Some sea creatures mistake the trash for food and eat it, which makes them very sick. Humans are not only throwing our trash into the ocean, but tourism, shipping, overfishing, climate change, aquaculture, development, oil and natural gas all have a terrible impact on the ocean. If humans continue to treat our oceans like this, then soon sea creatures will no longer be able live here. However, there is still hope. Currently, only 1% of the ocean is protected, hopefully it will be more protected soon. You at home can help too. By picking up trash at a beach, eating sustainable seafood, using reusable bottles and bags, or by buying ocean-friendly products you are helping the ocean.

Where is the ocean?


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