Human Growth & Development Curriculum

Need for Human Growth and Development Instruction in Wisconsin Schools

Sexuality, and expression of one’s sexuality, is an important part of each person’s identity. Achieving healthy sexuality and learning about this aspect of ourselves begins at birth and continues throughout our lives. This important and multidimensional concept involves anatomy, physiology, and growth and development, including self-esteem, self-care, communication, values, an understanding of satisfying and healthy relationships, decision making, sexual intimacy, responsibilities of parenthood, and a host of other relevant topics.

Although parents are the primary sexuality educators of their children, children also receive messages about various aspects of sexuality from many other sources, including family members, friends, peers, schools, media, faith communities, and other institutions. Schools can be important partners with parents to provide children and adolescents with accurate and developmentally appropriate sexuality education or human growth and development (HGD) instruction.

Based on statewide rates, Wisconsin tends to have lower rates of risky sexual behaviors and negative health outcomes than the national averages. Nevertheless, some rates are unacceptably high. Key outcomes of human growth and development instruction typically include:

• Delaying initiation of sexual activity

• Promoting the use of protection and contraception when sexual activity is initiated

• Decreasing the number of sexual partners throughout the lifespan

• Decreasing substance abuse, specifically as it related to engaging in risky sexual activity

• Increasing positive communication around healthy sexuality throughout the lifespan

These outcomes are reached through the presentation of medically accurate information coupled with practicing communication, decision making and advocacy skills, among others. Wisconsin statutes support human growth and development (HGD) instruction.

Relevant statutes include:

Wis. Stat. 115.35 Critical health problems education

Wis. Stat. 118.01 Educational goals and expectations, including instruction in physiology, hygiene, and sexually transmitted diseases

Wis. Stat. 118.019 Human growth and development instruction

Key components of the human growth and development statute include the Human Growth and Development Advisory Group. In addition, the law outlines seven topics that are required when human growth and development is taught.