Mrs. Russo's Class


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As a reminder, please do not share or redistribute any private pictures from our classroom without the permission of the parent/guardian of any students shown in the photos. Thank you for your understanding!

There are two small group tables in our classroom in addition to the student desks. Here the students can work together on in class assignments and play games.

Our calendar area contains the turn in tray, whiteboard storage, dry erase sleeve storage, and clipboard storage. The bulletin board will also contain the monthly lunch calendar and specials calendars as well!

A peek at the turn in area and teacher desk!

To the right of my desk is the Student Care Center, cups for water, grab and go snacks for students who may have missed breakfast, and student mailboxes. Behind my desk is the sticker store where students can earn stickers.

Our classroom is host to a mini sensory wall. Students in need of a break can visit the sensory wall to manipulate the different textures while still engaging in classroom learning.

The front of our classroom is where you will find our RACES anchor chart. We use RACES (restate, answer, cite evidence, explain, summarize) when answering extended response questions.

In our classroom we have a "Student Care Center" where students have the opportunity to anonymously take any individually packaged hygiene products if they are ever in need.

This is our art cart. Here the students can find craft supplies and small craft kits during down time.

Our birthday wall is situated directly above our indoor recess shelf. This shelf holds STEM bins, games, and puzzles that the students can use during indoor recess and free time!

The student supply drawers are located in the back. The students have access to additional supplies as needed, construction paper, and Chromebooks. We also have our 6 syllable types displayed on the cupboards. As we learn each type, we will put up examples of each syllable!

Student desks are organized into small groups to encourage collaboration and learning.

The classroom library is filled with a variety of text types and genres. The picture books in the middle are organized by topic, while the chapter books on either side are organized by series and genre. In the middle you will find our student work display and learning center storage!