MRUSD SRO Committee
SRO Committee Charge
This committee is charged with developing a well-supported, fact-based recommendation regarding the SRO position in the Maple Run Unified School District. The committee is expected to examine the SRO role in ways that may accommodate, as much as possible, the concerns of all parties with a goal of a consensus recommendation being the objective. The following questions will be answered by the Study Committee:
What do we want the roles/responsibilities or our SROs to be?
What roles/responsibilities are they performing now?
Are these roles/responsibilities being met as we would like them to be?
Who else could fulfill these and/or how else could these roles/responsibilities be met?
What is the recommendation as to how the role/responsibilities deemed necessary are fulfilled?
This email address has been created and dedicated to the SRO committee to collect information. The email address will be used for one-way communication.
Submission Forms
Statement regarding the public meeting guideline update
The committee will be using the following updated meeting guidelines and process for all future meetings.
The chat function will be adjusted so that chats will only be sent to the meeting hosts (facilitator and committee co-chairs). All chat content will still be downloaded and made part of the public record.
Each meeting will use a co-facilitator model to monitor the verbal comments, chat comments to hosts and move the committee through the list of community members wishing to offer comment while monitoring time limits.
Community guidelines will be stated before the public comment begins and all participants are asked to acknowledge they understand and agree to the guidelines. If guidelines are broken and/or harm is done, committee members or members of the public are requested to message the hosts to ask for the meeting to be paused. The facilitators will then pause the meeting and determine the next step forward necessary to restore a safe and productive meeting space.