Dr. Freedman's Digital Portfolio Model 

I am very excited that this school year you will be running your second student led conference. You are going to be amazing talking about you! I have developed this Google site for you to understand how to create your own Google Site for your student led conference. There will be a lot of reflection that goes into your creation. Remember you are the designer. I will provide some direction and the rest is up to you! You are the driver of your own learning. 

This first page is your welcome page. 

1. Introduce your audience to who you are. 

2. Share some fun facts about yourself.

3. Include your interests and likes/dislikes.

4. Let your audience know what they are about to see, including an agenda for the conference. 

5. Add photos, drawings, or video to support your text.

By now you might be wondering what you will be collecting to include on your digital portfolio. 

Your digital portfolio will have

2. You are looking for evidence that show the following:

4. Make a list of all your ideas you could possible share at your student led  conference. 

6. You will need to provide  at leasta total of  four different pieces of evidence on each page. You can choose from the following on each page.