Jordan/Jackson Elementary

Welcome to the

Jordan/Jackson Elementary School

Remote Learning Site

During this time away from school, this site will continue to serve as a platform from which classroom teachers will build their weekly units. In addition, the site will also be the central location in which Art, Music, Physical Education and Health teachers will provide enrichment activities.

Each teacher will communicate with their students and direct them to the assignments. They will do so via email or Google Classroom. As students complete work and submit it, teachers will provide feedback rather than grades. The focus for now will be on previously learned skills and developing a deeper understanding of them through structured, engaging and interdisciplinary learning opportunities.

Each grade level document includes a recommended daily remote learning schedule to guide students through their day, including physical activity, health and the arts.

If your student requires assistance with the assignments, please contact his/her teacher(s) directly, via email. For further information about the Jordan/Jackson Remote Learning Plan, please visit the link below.