Message From the Help Desk - Updated 9/30/20

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Getting a message "Can't join this video call" when trying to get into a Google Meet? Try using the keyboard shortcut ctrl+shift+R on a Chromebook, cmd+shift+R on a Mac or ctrl+F5 on a Windows machine to reload the page without cache and try again. The key combination should be pressed simultaneously right on the Google Meet page.

Is your camera or microphone turned off and you can't turn it back on? Open a browser and navigate to chrome://policy and click the "Reload Policies" button in the top left corner and try again.

Having Trouble With Your Chromebook and Google Meets? Here are some suggestions...

Before starting your Google Meet session, Perform a Hard Reset on your device. Sometimes, if Chromebooks aren't fully powered down between uses it negatively impacts their performance. A hardware reset is akin to a clean slate for the device and takes only 10 seconds. This is highly recommended to do every day before your Google Meet sessions! (Click Here for Instructions)

Regularly power down the Chromebook by either using the Power key or by clicking Shut Down in the options menu. Just closing the lid and leaving the Chromebook in sleep mode constantly can cause memory leaks that may affect your performance.

Avoid charging the device during Google Meet sessions - Charging your device can cause it to work harder because of the heat that charging generates on the device. Charge your device overnight and leave it unplugged during Google Meet sessions.

Keep additional browser tabs to a minimum - The less tasks your device has to run at once, the more processing power it can devote to what's really important.

Allow your Chromebook to breathe. Place your Chromebook on a hard surface to allow air to flow freely to the device. Putting the device on a pillow, blanket or other soft surface causes the CPU to work harder than it should have to which takes resources away from other processes running on the device.

Extensions! Extensions! Extensions! - Disable or uninstall any unnecessary extensions...especially Meet specific ones. Extensions are notorious for running processes in the background even though they are not currently being used. Gridview is especially notorious for negatively impacting performance. Go the URL chrome://extensions to see the extension you have and disable where appropriate. Please note: You may not have permissions to disable some extensions....that's ok! you can just leave those alone.

If you have problems that are not solved with these tips, please open a ticket with the help desk at