
Manchester Equity Education is actively seeking community partners to assist our group, by advising us on the process, collaborating with us in our meetings and analysis, and in helping us to engage members of our community. Please use the "Contact" page to connect with us if you are interested in supporting our work!

This page will be updated as Manchester Equity Education establishes formal partnerships within the Manchester (and wider New Hampshire) community.

Manchester School District has partnered on this initiative with local individuals and not-for-profit agencies to ensure that its mission and vision as a district are realized for all of its students.

The Center for Collaborative Education (CCE) is serving as a Technical Assistance Provider, partnering with Manchester Equity Education to facilitate the root cause analysis, including Equity Review Team meetings, data analysis, and community forums.

Plymouth State University's Holmes Center is serving as a Technical Assistance Provider, partnering with Manchester Equity Education to monitor Equity Review Team progress as well as to plan and conduct a community survey as part of the root cause analysis.

Office of Student Wellness Cultural & Linguistic Competence