
The National Honor Society recognizes outstanding students who meet or exceed particular standards in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership and character. When committing to this organization, one must be prepared and willing to uphold the many requirements of NHS.

Information for:

Freshmen- It's time to get involved! Be sure to join some of the many extracurriculars that Central High School has to offer. Along with excelling in your academics, being a well-rounded student is very important for future NHS candidacy. A key criteria for being admitted to NHS is service, so be sure you are volunteering at least ten hours a year.

Sophomores- As you are becoming more comfortable in the Central community, make sure to form positive relationships with Central's staff and faculty, as they will be the ones attesting to your character when applying to NHS. While maintaing your academic success is important, being a reputable member of the community is just as valuable.

Juniors- Stay involved while maintaing your academics! Your academic achievement, leadership, involvement, and community service will be up for review during the second semester of your junior year when you may receive an invitation to apply to NHS.

Seniors- It's not too late! If you were not initially eligible for membership, there will be an additional invitation process during the fall of senior year. Maintain your academic grades and be sure to keep up with service hours!

Our members are active volunteers in the community working with organizations such as:

  • Food For Children

  • Manchester Food Bank

  • Manchester's YMCA

  • FIRST Robotics

  • Kiwanis Key Club

  • Local Elementary Schools

Our Leadership

Do You Have Questions?

Contact Advisor: etourigny@mansd.org

or reach out to any of our student leaders